Liquid diet for weight loss - recipes and menus

Among unusual diets, enjoying a certain popularity, apart is a liquid diet, in which the essence is to understand, to understand how it is useful and effective. It is noted that when it is used, the determining factor is not so much the amount of food eaten, although it is important, and the qualitative indicators of the product's utility.

Liquid diet for weight loss

About a liquid diet is not known much, but it has been around for about thirty years and its appearance is due to dieticians in Sweden. They argue that a diet on liquids is extremely effective, since it purifies the body and normalizes the activity of the systems responsible for metabolism and directly affects weight loss.

Its essence is that the course, consisting of 19 days, is divided into periods where the first lasts for seven days, is strict, cleansing, when the body is freed from toxins, poisons and feces, and the second, twelve-day, is aimed at restoring the body and his attitude towards functioning in a new mode. Experts argue that a liquid diet helps to cleanse the body, reduce the volume of the stomach, which leads to less consumption of food and reduce the need for its large volumes.

Liquid diet on yogurt

Kefir has long been considered a dietary product. It is usually used in any diet. As for this option, here the use of yogurt is not only appropriate, but actively shown. In this case, it can be applied as a more rigid version of it, when during the day it is allowed to consume only an acid-milk drink (up to two liters), excluding any other products. If you stay on kefir for three days, such a liquid drinking diet can destroy up to five kilograms of excess weight.

Liquid protein diet

One of the components of the technique is the protein, for which products rich in protein are used and able to support the body in working condition and to compensate for energy costs for purification. Among them, the most frequently used are low-fat milk, various juices, kefir, broths. A liquid diet for weight loss, the menu of which consists of fluids of various compositions, is considered the most effective for a short time.

Liquid diet - cons

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by its numerous participants, it must be remembered that it, like any other drinking diet, is not suitable for everyone, since it requires an unusually strict fulfillment of requirements that can lead to serious health complications. It has not so much advantages as minuses, especially if a strict liquid diet is considered:

Liquid Diet - recipes

Nutritionists warn that the concept should not be understood literally, which is why, along with liquid food, they advise to keep a small number of "solid" foods on the menu. Otherwise, the "lazy stomach" effect may occur when it refuses to process any products. To not disaccustom the stomach to work, nutritionists recommend the following products:

Vegetable soup

For this technique, it is possible to make soup on any broth or water. 2 liters of water or broth is used:


  1. Beans leave soaked in cold water overnight.
  2. Then shift it into the finished broth and cook until half-ready.
  3. Add rice and vegetables, and before the end of cooking chopped garlic and greens.
  4. Leave on the stove for a few minutes and the dish is ready.
Protein Cocktail



  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender.
  2. Sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.