Ravioli with spinach

Ravioli - a dish of Italian cuisine, very similar to small pelmets, made from a thin dough with a variety of fillings: from classic meat to sweet. Ravioli with spinach are very delicate and delicious. They are quite hearty and will serve you a full dinner. Serve them in the best way in a creamy sauce or simply with sour cream.

Ravioli with spinach and ricotta


For filling:

For the test:

For refueling:


So, first, let's prepare a dough for you with ravioli. To do this, we sift the flour with a slide on the table, from above make a small hole and pour in pre-whipped chicken eggs. After that, throw a pinch of salt and knead a sufficiently tight dough with a spoon. Then wrap it in a food film and leave it in a cool place for 60 minutes. And this time we will deal with the filling. Spinach leaves are sorted, processed and washed under cold water. Then throw them into boiling water and blanch for 5 minutes. After that, we throw them back to the colander, squeeze it out of excess liquid. We clean the onion, melkko shinkuem and passeruem on cream butter in a separate frying pan until its softness. Now we connect it with spinach, add ricotta and grated cheese. Thoroughly mix everything with a spoon, warm up for 2 minutes and remove from heat. We cut the finished dough in half and roll each part into thin layers. Next, lay out on one filling, grease the edges with egg whites, and cover the top of the second part of the dough, pressing a little with your hands around the filling. Now carefully cut the future ravioli with a knife on the squares and boil them in boiling water for 2 minutes. In the meantime, we make refueling for them. To do this, fry the cream of the sage leaf. We take out ready-made ravioli with cheese and spinach with a spoon from the saucepan, we put it in a frying pan with dressing, mix it and immediately serve it to the table, pouring abundantly grated parmesan cheese!

Recipe for ravioli with spinach and cottage cheese


For the test:

For filling:


From flour, wine, chicken eggs and salt, knead a homogeneous dough. We form a ball from it, wrap it in a film and leave it for about 60 minutes at room temperature. By this time we sort out the spinach, wash it, put it in a saucepan and stew until he changes his color. Then gently squeeze the leaves and crush them with a blender. Cottage cheese is mixed with breadcrumbs, crushed with eggs and poured grated cheese. Add a lot of spinach, a little lemon juice, salt, pepper to taste. The dough is thinly rolled on a flour-poured table and cut into strips about 5 centimeters wide. Next, put a little stuffing at intervals of 5 centimeters. Top with a dough, press and cut into squares. Maslice melted and browned on it leaves of sage. Boil ravioli for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, and then discarded in a colander and spread on plates, decorating with sage leaves. If desired, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.