How quickly to remove a toothache?

The cause of toothache can be various pathological processes associated with the tooth itself, and with surrounding tissues. In some cases, the pain is mild, and sometimes - just unbearable, debilitating, giving off in whiskey, ears, eyes provoking a migraine, etc. With this problem, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. But if this is not possible, then at least reduce the pain syndrome for a while at home. Consider how you can quickly remove a toothache at home.

How quickly to soothe toothache with pills?

If you can go to the pharmacy, you can quickly remove the toothache by taking one of the following drugs in the form of tablets:

To achieve the most rapid analgesic effect, it is possible if you take drugs in the form of soluble (effervescent) tablets. Due to the fact that such drugs enter the body in a dissolved form, they are easier to digest and act faster than regular tablets. In this form they produce:

Admission of pain medication should be taken seriously: you need to read the instructions, make sure that you do not have contraindications, and also strictly observe the indicated dosages and the interval of admission.

How quickly to stop a toothache folk remedies?

Without anesthetic tablets at home, you can try to eliminate toothache by using the following methods.

Rinse with soda-brine

This procedure allows you to clean the oral cavity, the spaces between the teeth and the carious cavities from food debris, which is often the cause of pain. To prepare the product should be dissolved in a glass of warm water on a teaspoon of baking soda and table salt. Initially, the rinse should be intense, then you should simply arrange "baths" for a sick tooth, holding the solution in your mouth for 1-2 minutes.

Herbal Rinse

For rinses from toothache, you can also use decoctions of various medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, oak bark , calendula, etc.). As an alternative, you can use solutions prepared on the basis of water with the addition of alcohol tinctures of calendula, sage (1 teaspoon of tincture per cup of water). This helps reduce inflammation.

Alcoholic "baths"

This is a fairly effective way to quickly eliminate toothache, which involves the use of a small amount of any strong alcoholic beverage (vodka, cognac, rum, etc.). To do this, you need to take a mouthful in your mouth and hold a few minutes about the painful focus. Alcohol is quickly absorbed through the mucous membranes and, reaching the nerve endings, causes them to "numb".


In the presence of a carious cavity, you can place a piece of propolis, a crushed clove of a carnation or a piece of onion to remove pain.


Toothache, especially accompanied by swelling, can be reduced with a piece of ice. To do this, it should be wrapped in polyethylene and cotton cloth, and then apply for a few minutes to the cheek from the side of the aching tooth.

Remember that reducing or eliminating pain does not mean eliminating pathology, and pain can return. Also, under the "mask" of toothache can be completely different diseases (for example, inflammation of the paranasal sinus or trigeminal nerve), so you should consult a specialist in any case.