Diet for the press

Every woman dreams of a flat tummy, and if it is also with a beautiful relief of the press - in general, ideally. In addition to regular exercises, you can use a special diet for the press.

Basic principles

  1. It is necessary to limit the amount of consumed fats, in your diet should only be fats of vegetable origin.
  2. From products that you can eat, you need to once and for all strike out sweet, pastry, mayonnaise , ketchup, carbonated drinks and many favorite fast food.
  3. Diet for the press in women is slightly more difficult than men's, as women are more predisposed to its accumulation.
  4. Reduce salt intake to a minimum, as it delays water in the body.
  5. Do not drink water before bed, and the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Change the diet gradually to get used to and learn how to enjoy it.
  7. To begin with, the diet for drying the press should be as follows: give up harmful food and consume no more than 1200 kcal. Eat so for about 1 week.
  8. The third part of the plate should consist of proteins, the remaining products - carbohydrates .
  9. Daily eat 6 times a day, and as for portions, they should be about 200 g. Thus, you will always be full during the day.
  10. The ideal diet for a relief press, should have the following ratio: 65% - carbohydrates, 20% - proteins, 15% - fats.
  11. Daily use at least 2 liters of water.
  12. Watch for the amount of fiber that must be present in the diet.
  13. Do not use hunger strikes, as they can only harm the body.
  14. For an ideal press, it is not recommended to eat food additives, so the chances of harming are much greater than the benefit.

Diet for the ideal press

  1. Breakfast - you can eat a plate of oatmeal and drink natural juice.
  2. The second breakfast is any fruit.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup, vegetable salad and a small slice of dietary meat.
  4. Snack - a few nuts, dried fruits and a glass of yogurt.
  5. Dinner - eat a salad and a plate of legumes.


Thanks to proper nutrition and intensive training, you can achieve excellent results and make your press beautiful and embossed. Remember that if you lose weight, make your stomach flat, and then start again eating something horrible and without stopping, fat will return to its place and even more.