5 most harmful products

In the modern world, food is not only the satisfaction of the body's need for the necessary energy, but also pleasure. Tasty to eat many people. However, there are many products harmful to the human body. Find out the 5 most harmful products, according to doctors and nutritionists.

What is the danger of the five most harmful products?

There are a number of factors that make foods particularly harmful to the human body. If you want to adhere to proper nutrition, avoid foods that are high in calories. These are the most harmful products for the figure, all the excess calories inexorably turn into fat. To know the caloric content of products, you need to study the packaging of everything that you buy in the store. The content of calories in other products can be found from tables that can be found on the Internet or books about proper nutrition.

The second way to determine harmful foods for the body is to find out their glycemic index . This indicator reflects the rate of breakdown of the product to glucose: the higher the index, the faster the glucose enters the blood. Dishes made from products with a high glycemic index cause the pancreas to work for wear and produce a large amount of insulin. Over time, this gland begins to fail and carbohydrate products stop normally splitting, which causes obesity, and later - diabetes. Normal glycemic index - 20-30, the most harmful food products have a figure above 50.

A high fat content is another factor that unites a large group of foods that are most harmful to the body. People who eat a large amount of fat in their diet often suffer from excessive cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. And if you combine fat with foods with a high glycemic index, obesity can come very quickly.

Harmful products make and the wrong way of cooking. Roasting in oil gives the dish an attractive look and taste - many like a crispy crust, but this delicacy contains a large amount of carcinogenic substances, which provokes the development of cancer.

In some cases, the 5 most harmful products become especially dangerous. This happens when producers try to reduce the cost of production and dilute and so unsuitable components frankly dangerous - trans fats (margarines, spreads), genetically modified starch or soy, dyes and preservatives.

5 most harmful products - list

  1. French fries and chips . This dish combines all the factors that make food particularly harmful. Potato is a product with a high glycemic index, it is generously fried in large quantities of oil and sprinkled with various taste substitutes. The calorie content of French fries is about 300 kcal per 100 g, however this is often not taken into account and they eat this dish as a "light snack".
  2. Donuts and chebureks (hamburgers) . These products are the most harmful to the figure because of the combination of large amounts of carbohydrates and fats. White flour is a high-carbohydrate product, the dough is saturated with oil during frying and is covered with a carcinogenic crust. After consuming such foods, gastric and obesity are waiting for you.
  3. Lemonade . These drinks are not created to quench your thirst, but to saturate the body with a huge amount of sugar - in 200 g of lemonade it is not less than 5 teaspoons. And if there is no sugar in the drink, then a substitute is used, which is a very harmful substance of chemical production. Plus - various dyes and flavors.
  4. Sausages . This product is dangerous hidden fat - in the sausage approximately 40% of the interior fat, pork skins, etc. Potato starch, which is a recipe of many varieties, is a product with a high glycemic index, and very often it is genetically modified. Another common component of sausages is chemical dyes and taste improvers.
  5. Chocolate bars . They combine a lot of sugar, dyes and flavors that are addictive and want to buy your favorite bar again and again. In addition, the fat content of such a delicacy reaches 20-23% due to crushed nuts and other additives.