How to get SNILS on a child?

The insurance certificate of Mandatory Pension Insurance in the form of a green card is a document on the registration of a citizen in the Pension Insurance system. This certificate was previously issued only to persons who have reached adulthood, as well as employment. To date, it has become possible to obtain an identification number in the PF, that is, SNILS, for children regardless of their age. This innovation is associated with the development of some government programs for social support of the population, for participation in which it is necessary to have SNILS (Insurance Number of the Personal Account).

In this regard, many parents are concerned about issues related to the acquisition of SNILS on the child, the main one of which is: "How can I get SNILS on the child, and what documents are needed for this?". Possible answers are based on the age of the child, as well as on how to document this document.

How to apply for SUNLS to a child?

You can apply for a child with SNILS by applying to the Territorial Office of the Pension Fund with the necessary documents. Usually, a couple of weeks after writing an application for the registration of a child or adolescent in the Pension Insurance system, he is assigned a personal certificate number.

SNILS is assigned to children who have Russian citizenship, as well as to children who are foreign citizens temporarily or permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Where can I make SCHILS a child?

In order to receive the SNILS for the child, it is necessary to apply to any Territorial Directorate of the Pension Fund at the place of registration and or actual residence. In some regions of Russia, insurance certificates are issued through educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, universities), while the personal appeal of the child and his parents to the territorial administration is not required.

How to make SCHILS a child without leaving home?

In accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996. No. 27-FZ "On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the Mandatory Pension Insurance System in the Russian Federation" The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies issue to each insured person an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance containing the insurance number of the individual personal account, the date of registration as an insured person and personal data of the specified person.

The information contained in the individual personal accounts of the insured persons refers to information in respect of which the requirement to ensure its confidentiality has been established.

In this regard, the application form of the insured person for the purposes of registration in the mandatory pension insurance system via the Internet is not provided.

What documents are needed to get SILLS for the child?

The necessary documents for obtaining the SNILS for a child under the age of 14 years are the passport of one of the parents, the original of the birth certificate and a copy of it, as well as the application signed by the parent about the registration of the child in the Pension Insurance system. The presence of the child is not required.

The main document for the design of SNILS child over 14 years old is his personal passport. For registration in the Pension Insurance system, the child's request is required, and therefore his personal presence in the Territorial Directorate of the PF is necessary.

Why should a child SNIALS?

The registration of children and adolescents as insured persons in the mandatory pension insurance system became a necessity in connection with the introduction of changes in the norms of the current legislation. So, for example, since January 2012, universal electronic cards have appeared, thanks to which state, municipal and other services have become available. Such cards were created in order to facilitate the population's participation in programs of medical and social insurance, as well as in social support programs for certain categories of citizens, adults and children.

It is assumed that the card will be able to combine a compulsory health insurance policy, a student card, a bank card, travel documents on transport and many others, so the provision of services (for example, medical services) without information on the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the PFR (SNILS) will become impossible. To all other data on SNILS are necessary when receiving public services in electronic form.