Vinaigrette with squid

Every housewife probably has her own recipe for vinaigrette . They are all similar to each other, because the range of products is almost the same - beets, cucumbers, potatoes. But there are differences too: someone adds onion, some sauerkraut. Below you will find another interesting version of the preparation of this salad - we will tell you how to prepare a salad with squid.

The recipe for vinaigrette with squid



Beets, carrots and potatoes are cooked until ready. Squids are cleaned and lowered into salted boiling water. After boiling, cook for 1 minute, and then throw it back in a colander. Vegetables are cleaned, cut into strips or cubes. We do the same with pickled cucumbers and squid. Beetroot water with vegetable oil and mix. This is to ensure that the rest of the ingredients are not painted red. All components are mixed, add more vegetable oil, salt, lemon juice to taste. Ready to lay the vinaigrette on serving plates, sprinkle with chopped green onions and decorate with olives.

Vinaigrette with squid and sea cabbage



Boil the potatoes, beets and carrots until ready. And then cool, peel and cut into cubes. Beetroot water with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and mix. Squid we cut into strips. We connect all the ingredients, taste salted and dress salad with vegetable oil.

Vinaigrette with squid and pumpkin



Beets and potatoes are cooked until prepared. And then clean and cut into cubes. Similarly, we cut salted cucumbers. Pumpkin is peeled and cooked until ready, and then cut. We combine the ingredients, add the vegetable oil, salt and mix. Raw squids are mine and along cut in half, and then also along cut them into long strips. After that, pour these strips of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. We drain the water. We put the vinaigrette on a dish, and on top place our squid, which whimsically twisted.

Lenten vinaigrette with squid



Calamaries are cleaned, lowered into boiling water and after boiling we cook for 1-2 minutes. Longer to cook is not necessary, otherwise they will be tough. Then they cool and cut into strips. Onion and garlic cut into thin strips and pour brine (it should cover the vegetables).

We put dishes with onions and garlic in a microwave and at maximum power we can stand for 3 minutes. Then we throw it back to the colander and cool it. Beetroot is also cut into strips, poured with the same brine, if necessary, then pour in more, and put it on the fire. After boiling, cook for about 20 minutes. After that, we also throw it back in a colander and cool it. Cucumbers cut into strips.

In a small deep plate lay out layers: first beets, then cucumbers, squid, garlic and onions. Lightly squeeze and pour it all with vegetable oil. For about 30 minutes, we remove the salad in the refrigerator, and before serving, turn the plate over to a flat dish.