Hoveya - care at home

Lovers of large trees at home can not be better than a palm hoveya. This plant is rightfully considered one of the most unpretentious and the most ever green. Interested? Then read our article on how to grow and properly take care of hovey in the home.

Caring for a new palm tree

  1. Place . Hoveya is a plant that normally feels both in the shade and under the sun. But it is better to give preference to the golden middle. Place a palm near the window, but with the expectation that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves, otherwise you can not avoid burns. The indicator of the correct location is the number of leaves on the plant. About 6 means light is not enough, about 12 means that there is enough light. Now a little secret: in order for your tree to grow evenly, rotate it every 3-4 weeks.
  2. Watering and temperature are very closely related. In the summer, at a temperature of about 20 ° C I'll have to spray two times a day. Watch the soil, it should not be stagnant water, but also does not fit and aridity. The optimum irrigation frequency for the summer time of the year is as soon as the top layer of the soil has dried. In winter, you can be a little rarer. Remember the main thing, whatever the time of year, you need regular spraying.
  3. Chotea transplantation. A young plant must be transplanted once a year in the early days. More mature palm should be transplanted only when you notice that the roots in the pot became cramped, as the hoveya very badly tolerates the change of pots due to its fragile roots. The soil for transplantation is prepared as follows: 2 parts of turf ground, 2 parts humus, 1 part sand and 1 part leaf land. If you do not want to mess around, you can buy ready land for palm trees. Preparation of the plant for transplantation: remove the top layer of the earth and cut off all diseased or dried roots, sprinkled with chopped charcoal to cut off areas.
  4. Reproduction of hovei. You can multiply this palm tree in two ways: with seeds or take the process from a large tree. Both of these methods are very complicated, because it is difficult to grow a healthy tree from seeds, you need a mini-greenhouse, and when you transplant sprouts you will have to face a fragile root system. Choose yourself.

Diseases of the hovei

The most terrible enemies of the hovei are pests: thrips , mites and scabs, settling on the tree trunk, leaves and petioles. Thanks to them, the leaves of the hovee begin to turn yellow, and subsequently dry. After a while, if you do not take action, the plant may die.

To avoid infection of the plant, it is necessary to periodically perform prophylaxis: wash the leaves, and maintain a high humidity in the room. After finding the above parasites, they should be removed with a sponge with a soap solution applied. If you notice mass invasion of parasites, then carry out a global treatment using chemicals designed for flowers.

Pleasant trifles

If you will properly take care of your palm, it may well be that it will thank you with its flowering and even, perhaps, fruits. How does the flower flourish? Hoveya produces something resembling an arrow that is strewn with small light pimples.

And a little more about the pleasant, connoisseurs of Feng Shui believe that the hovei's palm has positive energy, and quite high. Finding this plant at home positively affects the working capacity and mood of the home. In addition, leaves hovei well clean the air of all the chemical hazards, which are so many in our lives. From this it follows that I want to be safe and even necessary in children's rooms and offices.