Gardenia jasmine - home care, tips for proper growing

Fans of flowering plants like gardenia jasmine, care at home for her will require special knowledge, but the result is worth it. A bush with a height of 50-180 cm with stiffened stems and dark green shiny leaves a few times a year will delight the white lush flowers with a pleasant aroma.

How to care for gardenia jasmine?

Tropical gardenia jasmine-like capricious, home care after it requires the creation of a comfortable microclimate, which must be maintained unchanged. For this it is important to ensure:

The main condition is the absence of sharp climatic changes, to which the plant reacts painfully. A jasmine gardenia flower when nursed at home for good growth and flowering requires a temperature regime of + 22-24 ° C in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, under the conditions of + 18 ° C, buds are formed. At + 16-18 ° C there will be a lot of them, and if the temperature is higher, the branches will start to stretch to the detriment of the formation of the fetal kidneys. Undercooling roots and draft for a given flower are fatal - at a temperature below + 16 ° C, the root system rotes in the bush.

Gardenia jasmine - what to do after buying?

A newly acquired culture needs a transplant, otherwise it will wither. Gardenia jasmine - competent care after purchase:

  1. After adaptation after 10-14 days, the flower should be transplanted.
  2. The bush is removed from the container, the roots are placed in a warm solution of the growth biostimulator for 20 minutes.
  3. The transplantation is performed by accurately passing the bush together with the earth's clod in a larger diameter vessel, well drained and filled with soil.

After the main thing to find the plant a warm and bright place, it is selected for a long time. The flower can not be moved and even rotated, otherwise its buds will fall off. Lighting for gardenia needs a bright, but diffuse. The best location is in the eastern or western part of the house. If the pot is on the south side, then from 11:00 to 17:00 the flower will require shading. In winter, gardenia will require lightening by means of fluorescent or LED lamps placed at a height of 60-70 cm above the bush.

How to water gardenia jasmine in the home?

Humidity for this tropical beauty is a guarantee of its strength and attractiveness. The drying of the earth coma is unacceptable, the soil in the pot should always be slightly damp. It is important to avoid stagnation of water in the roots. Watering gardenia jasmine in the home in the summer should be abundant, the frequency - a day or two. Determine the need for moistening with a finger: the moisture in the outer tier of the soil is not felt - it is necessary to water the bush well and make sure that there is no water left in the pan.

In winter, the procedure is less frequent - 2-3 days after evaporation of moisture from the outer layer of the earth (approximately once a week). Gardenia jasmine after care at home requires moist air, especially at the time of budding. This is achieved by irrigation of foliage (but not flowers). The humidifier of air or containers with liquid installed next to the pot will save the situation. Irrigate and water the plant only with warm water, soft and steady.

Gardenia jasmine - trim

If the garden has gardenia jasmine, care at home for her involves cutting after flowering. It will make the bush more decorative and gives for reproduction the planting material - cuttings. Home care - how to trim a gardenia jasmine:

  1. All shoots are cut to ½ or & frac23; length.
  2. Removed completely all the old and thickening flower branches, weak and diseased leaf cuttings.
  3. At the time of vegetation in spring, pinch of young apical shoots is carried out. This gives an impetus to the appearance of lateral shoots and the laying of flower buds.
  4. Cut off shoots should be used for propagation of culture.

Transplant of gardenia jasmine

For room gardenia, when going home, it is advised to do a transplant at this frequency:

Such withdrawal is necessary, because the root system of the plant grows, the soil becomes poor, the drainage pores are silted. How to transplant gardenia jasmine:

  1. Transplant the flower after flowering - in the period from late autumn to mid-February.
  2. When transplanting, it is better to apply the transshipment method.
  3. The com of the old earth is shaken off a little.
  4. The roots must be cut, the cut points processed by the root stimulant, activated charcoal.
  5. The flower is arranged in the same dishes after changing the substrate and put on a permanent place.

Jasmine gardenia - potty

Transplant of gardenia jasmine after purchase is made in plastic or ceramic pot. The first is preferable, since the plant can be placed in a pelvis with water when watering. With plastic at the same time nothing will happen, and on the ceramics can remain ugly divorce. The size of the gardenia pot depends directly on the size of its root system. It should be slightly larger than the volume of the underground part of the plant. At the bottom of the pot laid a good drainage of expanded clay.

Primer for gardenia jasmine

As a substrate gardenia jasmine-like soil for transplantation is needed fertile, loosely, acidic, with a pH of 4.5-5.5. It is suitable for a mixture of turf, coniferous, peat land and sand in equal parts. If you buy shop land, then the soil for azaleas is good. Such a weakly acidic substrate is leached a little to increase its acidity, the ground is spilled once a month with a solution of citric acid (a few drops per liter of water) or with iron sulfate (½ gram per liter of water).

Fertilizer for gardenia jasmine

If the house grows jasmine gardenia, care at home for her involves feeding. A young flower aged to one year is fed with mineral and organic fertilizers every two weeks. Top dressing for gardenias of jasmine adults is made by compositions without calcium throughout the vegetative period every week, except during the winter months. Use preferably liquid mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, alternate with organic ones. It is important to care not to overfeed the flower - to cultivate the feeding is slightly less than indicated in the instructions.

How does gardenia grow jasmine?

It is important to know how to propagate gardenia jasmine. Cultivate this culture by two methods - seeds or cuttings. In the first case the plant will blossom not earlier than in 2 years, in the second - will please with fragrant buds after 6 months. Cuttings are considered to be the best and simpler way of reproduction, the seeds are grown more in flower farms.

Gardenia jasmine from seeds

Seeding of gardenia with jasmine-like seeds is carried out in the spring. For this, only the seeds collected 2-3 days ago are suitable - they quickly lose their germination. Procedure for sowing seeds:

  1. Before sowing, soak the seeds in aloe juice or Zircon for 3-4 hours, so that their forces become more active.
  2. Then the material is sown in a pre-soaked azalea primer, the top is sprinkled with the same earth, sifted through a sieve, with a layer of 5 mm.
  3. The capacity is covered with a film or glass, put in a warm place.
  4. The container should be ventilated every day, taking shelter for 1-2 hours.
  5. The first shoots appear on the second month after sowing the seeds.

Gardenia jasmine - cuttings

Cuttings for planting are cut after flowering, their length should be 8-10 cm. How to root gardenia jasmine in the home:

  1. Planting material should be held for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and placed in sand mixed in half with peat.
  2. The can is covered with a jar to maintain greenhouse conditions and high humidity.
  3. It is important not to forget to air the shoots and moisten the substrate.
  4. In the greenhouse with a lower heating and with the introduction of a stimulator to form roots, the rooting process will go faster.
  5. Rooting occurs within a month, and a month later, gardenia is transplanted into a new pot of soil, as for an adult plant.
  6. Germs grown to 15 cm, pinch to form lateral sprouts.

How to make the gardenia bloom jasmine?

Gardenia jasmine, care at home for which is done incorrectly, immediately responds with fading, changing the color of the leaves, dropping flowers, crowns, can even stop blooming. In order for the plant to begin budding, it is important to ensure the fulfillment of several important conditions. Gardenia jasmine does not blossom - what to do:

  1. Provide the plant with acid soil, soil acidify with citric acid 1 time per month, not more.
  2. When watering, do not use hard water, to soften it, you can use oxalic acid - 1 teaspoon per liter.
  3. To stimulate flowering, fertilizing is important for flowering plants (with potassium and phosphorus not more than 3-4%) - Bud, Bona Fort.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the absence of temperature drops in the dwelling, not to put culture on windows with an open window.
  5. Sometimes on the bush the buds already formed fall off. The reasons can be several:
  1. Sharp change of conditions of detention.
  2. Lack or excess of moisture.

Gardenia jasmine - black and fall leaves

Sometimes the gardenia of jasmine can blacken and crumble leaves. This is probably due to damage to the root system due to waterlogging. It often occurs in dense, non-breathing substrates. The leaves turn green at gardenia jasmine - what you need to do:

  1. Remove the bush from the pot, examine the roots - rotted off the crop, sprinkling the cut with charcoal.
  2. Make a high-quality drainage in the pot, prepare a new weakly acidic, loose substrate.
  3. Plant the plant in fresh soil, after shedding the soil mixture with a fungicidal solution of the type "Maxim", "Alirin", "Phytolavin". He will remove the remaining infection from the roots of the plant and disinfect the earth.

Gardenia jasmine withered - what should I do?

If the substrate is too wet or overdried, lack of nutrition, the flower can react with yellowing of the leaves, yellow patches appear on them, the bush begins to fade. How to revive gardenia jasmine after drying:

  1. To begin with, it is important to treat the plant with a fungicide - all of a sudden there are some pests in it.
  2. The next day, you can make a transplant with a survey of roots - rotted to remove, sprinkling the cut with charcoal.
  3. Plant the plant in an acidic land, irrigate the leaves with "Zircon" or " Epin ".
  4. The bush should be covered with a polyethylene bag, ensure good lighting without direct sunlight with a temperature of at least + 22 ° C.
  5. When leaving the plant every day to air for 1 hour, watered, when the upper layer of the substrate dries a small amount of warmed water. Remains of liquid from the pallet drain.

Diseases of gardenia jasmine

The plant suffers and when attacks of insects - it slows down growth, buds, foliage, flowers are showered. Pests gardenia jasmine:

  1. Shields - leaves are covered with brownish plaques. To destroy pests, the plates are washed with a cotton swab soapy solution. The procedure is duplicated one week before complete recovery.
  2. Spider mite - foliage turns yellow and dries. It is deduced by insecticide "Fitoverm", " Actellik " weekly until the disappearance of bugs. Damaged leaves should be urgently removed and high humidity should be provided to the plant by splashing.
  3. Aphids - settles on top, it is easy to see. It is advisable to shed gardenia "Aktara" - a systemic drug that penetrates the tissue culture and makes them poisonous for many insects.
  4. Thrips - on the leaves there are grayish-white spots. The plant should be treated with "Fitoverm" or "Actellikom", diluted according to the instructions - 3 times with a break of 7 days. For better effect, cover it with a package, because thrips can fly.