How to grow kiwi?

Did you know that it is realistic to grow kiwi at home? Do not believe me? And in vain! Many gardeners have already checked this and enjoyed the juicy fruits of their labor. We suggest you also quickly find out how to grow kiwi and immediately begin this fascinating occupation.

How to grow kiwi in the country?

The most common method is growing their bones. Of those very tiny black dots, which there is a huge variety in each fruit. Buy a good, ripe kiwi , put it on the sunny windowsill for a couple of days, so that it thoroughly softens. Then cut it into 4 slices and take out the pulp along with the bones. Separate the seeds by rinsing all this mass in the water, be sure to dry them and place them in wet sand.

To awaken the seeds, you need to put them in a cool place (+ 5 ° C) for a couple of weeks. The soil for kiwi is selected light and nutritious. You can add humus and sand to the usual ground soil. Seedlings are grown in a small container, two seeds per pot. Cover them with a film or glass to create a greenhouse condition.

After 2 weeks, the seeds will germinate. The soil should be regularly moistened, but do not allow the formation of fungus, so ventilate periodically pots. Planted in a larger pot can be, when on the germ will full leaves, and he will be 10 cm tall.

Kiwi fruit - growing and grooming

In the open ground we plant the plant in the very beginning of spring. Sadim at a distance of 5 meters from each other. Kiwi grows in the form of lianas and quickly grows into an adult plant up to 7 m in height. You need to tie up the lianas, and cut them in autumn, leaving only young shoots. For storage during frosts, they are removed from the trellis and wrapped.

When you already have adult kiwi, you can propagate them with cuttings. To do this, you just need to properly root the stalk into the ground and form a bush. The rest of the care is the same as before described.