Transplanting lilies in spring

Increasingly, gardeners with vegetable beds are preferred by beautiful flowering gardens. And of course in almost all of them you can meet the "queen" lily. A spectacular and incredibly colorful flower will become a real decoration for any flowerbed if it is provided with proper care. In this article, we'll look at when you can transplant lilies.

Can I transplant lilies in the spring?

Many flower growers are likely to begin to dissuade from the spring transplant due to its complexity. But this does not mean that you can not start work in the spring at all. To transplant lilies in the spring is possible only after the soil has fully warmed up, so you can start work not earlier than the end of March, in some regions you will have to wait for the middle of April.

Blanks should be made in the fall, around October. Immediately after excavating the bulbs, they are placed in polyethylene and poured over with damp sawdust. Do not forget about the ventilation holes. The fact is that the bulbs of lilies do not tolerate drying, which other types of bulbs need. Keep these blanks best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Another important question concerns how to transplant lilies in spring during flowering and whether it can be done at all. If you decide to do the transplant at the moment when the plant is in the budding phase or starts to bloom, it is better not to touch it at all. However, in the case of Asian hybrids, everything can turn out. It is worth mentioning that many gardeners, as arguments about the benefits of spring transplantation, suggest a higher resistance to different climatic conditions.

How correctly to transplant a lily?

So, if for yourself the question of whether you can transplant lilies in the spring, you answered in the affirmative, the time to start active operations. There are several rules for the spring transplant.

  1. If you do this for the first time, it is better to start work in late April - early May. You can plant as harvested from the fall bulbs, and freshly dug. Both options involve careful study of the planting material for wilted roots and rotted processes. All this is removed and then put the bulbs in a dark cool place, pouring wet sawdust or earth.
  2. Even if you decide to do lily transplant in the spring, you'll have to prepare the soil in the fall. The plant likes loose soil: we must add sand, pine needles and peat. This composition is preferred by almost all varieties and hybrids of lilies.
  3. We will plant to a depth that directly depends on the size of the planting material. Large bulbs are usually planted centimeters by twenty, for small enough to ten.
  4. Before landing, make sure that the frost has receded. The fact is that late frosts are the risk of a spring transplant. For prevention it is better to plant the plant deeper or use a horizontal method of planting. Always follow the forecasts and with possible frosts in a bucket of water, dilute one ampoule of Epin and plentifully pour the solution with flowers. Thus, the entire impact will be on wet soil, and the drug will help the plant to adapt more quickly.
  5. On this, the transplantation of the lily and the care for it are not finished. After the landing, the bulb will tend to build up a massive aerial part, therefore top dressing is very important. But to begin to introduce fertilizers should be only after the onset of heat. Excellent responds to the plant on wood ash , flowers will be large.
  6. When transplanting lilies in the spring, one should not forget about the prevention of diseases and pests. Be sure to check the plants for insects and immediately treat them if necessary.