Momordika - growing

This annual climbing plant with an unusual name of Momordica belongs to the family of pumpkin. It grows in the mills of Southeast Asia. For some similarity of the fetus - roundly oval elongated berry - Momordica is called an Indian cucumber. The unusual taste and exotic species of the plant made it the favorite of many gardeners and florists. It is grown on the open ground, and on balconies, for decorative purposes, it is planted near walls, fences, arbors. Many do not refuse to eat its sweet-bitter fruits, reminiscent of the taste of a mature pumpkin. Hence its second name is a bitter gourd. Oblong with pimples, the fruit first turns yellow, and then turns bright orange. Completely ripe, it bursts and turns into several parts - dark red pericarp, inside which there are seeds. If this plant has interested you, it remains to learn the features of how to grow a momordica. In general, this is not difficult, but there are some subtleties, because the Indian cucumber has southern roots.

Momordika: how to plant?

When choosing such a method of reproduction of momordica, as growing from seeds, the sowing is carried out in late March - early April in peat-humic cups. Seeds are poured for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate, which not only disinfects them, but also helps to germinate faster. Having made a soil in a soil of 1.5 cm and watered with water, the seed is put on the rib, covered and slightly compacted. Keep containers with future seedlings in a warm place (+ 20 + 22 ° C), without drafts. Watering should be done every two days. Momordica planting seedlings in larger pots should be made when the height of the plant reaches 20-25 cm. And in May, a bitter gourd is planted in a permanent place, keeping the earthen lump.

Regarding how to plant the Momordica with cuttings, they are cut from the bottom of the plant so that there are 2 sheets on each. Cuttings should be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat or put in water (+ 25 ° C). After 4-5 weeks the cuttings on which the roots will appear can be planted in the open ground on the south or west side, where the sunlight will be sufficient. If the weather is still windy and cool, it is better to cover the plant with a film or jar.

Momordika: cultivation and care

The most important thing in caring for this creeper is feeding and watering. The latter should be carried out regularly, especially during the fruiting period. Also, Momordica "makes" high demands in the fertility of the soil. Therefore, when preparing the substrate during planting it is good to mix humus, and during the growth and ripening period of the fruits to make complex fertilizers every week. If you want to get a good harvest from Momordica, caring for it must necessarily include circumcision of the side shoots. To stimulate the ovary fruit at home, where there are no insects, the pollen from the male flowers should be transferred to women using a cotton swab.

Avoid stripping the roots, as the poorly developed root system of the Indian cucumber will lead to its weakening. Do not forget, that the momordica, like a climbing plant, needs support. The best option for this would be a vertical trellis, perhaps using a mesh netting.

For delicacies collect 8-10 day fruit, no longer have a bitter taste. Keep in mind that to stimulate fruiting, fruits must often be harvested. They are stored at a temperature of 11-13 ° C. Otherwise, the fruits mature and crack.

Following the recommendations on sowing momordica, growing and caring for it will help you grow this unusual plant and taste its exotic fruits.