Eye ointment Zovirax

Ophthalmic ointment Zovirax is widely used in ophthalmic practice to treat processes associated with the activity of viruses. First of all - the human herpesvirus of the first and second type. This is an effective and safe tool, but there are certain features in the scheme of its application.

Eye ointment Zovirax - read the instruction

Instructions for the use of ophthalmic ointment Zovirax suggests using a drug to treat keratitis of viral origin. The most common cause of the disease are the causative agents Herpes simplex and Varicella zoster. The main active substance of the ointment is acyclovir. Getting on the cornea, it is immediately absorbed into the intraocular fluid, where it interacts with the DNA of the virus in the affected cells. On healthy cells, this drug component has no effect, so Zovirax is one of the safest drugs of this type. Complications can occur only with prolonged use - gradually the cells of the virus acquire resistance to acyclovir. Especially often this happens in patients with reduced immunity and infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.

After acyclovir one by one destroys the cells of the virus, decay products and toxins are excreted from the body with urine. In adults, the elimination period is 2 hours 30 minutes, in newborns - almost 4 hours.

The effect of the drug begins 30-40 minutes after application, the maximum effect is achieved on the 3rd day of use. Dosage of ointment for eyes Zoviraks rather conditional. Adults are recommended to apply on the conjunctival sac of the lower eyelid for 7-10 mm of the agent 3 times a day. Cases of overdose have not been fixed, the drug does not enter the blood.

In rare cases, patients experienced side effects:

All these symptoms pass independently for 10-15 minutes, stop using Zovirax for the eyes is not necessary. Contraindications to the use of the medication is the individual sensitivity to acyclovir and severe pathology of the excretory system, in particular - the kidneys.

Analogues of ophthalmic ointment Zovirax

There are several analogues of the drug that are used to treat viral eye diseases. Most of these drugs have a different concentration of acyclovir in the composition, therefore they affect the cells of the virus in the same way as Zovirax, the treatment scheme also coincides. Here are the most popular analogs: