23 reasons why 23 - terrible age

Once again: how old am I ?!

1. 23 years - to be at the bottom of "twenty with a tail."

Start from scratch

21 years old is a beta version of youth, in 22 there is a mess in his head, 23 is a time when some sort of responsibility arises ...

2. You hope to put everything in order, but you do not have any tools or possibilities.

Less hope, less hope ...

Expand your professional circle? This is generally understood?

3. You have a million options, what to do with your life, but none of them looks really attractive.

I'm not very good at making decisions.

Apply for a job? Travel? No money?

4. If you still do not know how to arrange insurance and where to go with it, keep in mind that the time for getting this knowledge and making the appropriate decisions you have every day less. And sick without insurance is very expensive.

It seems your lungs are black.

It is better to write yourself a schedule of illnesses in the near future in order to get the maximum from the insurance.

5. For the first time in all "twenty with a tail" it becomes scary.

Remember all that you wanted to do at the university. All the more this time will never happen again. What did you have, then yours ...

6. When you are 23, it means you are older than many modern pop stars.

Who is it?

7. You are so far from being teenagers that you can not communicate in their language anymore.

What does it mean?

I do not understand this youth slang, slow down, please.

8. Seriously, if you tell your age to someone from the youth, the opponent will look at you as the oldest person on the planet.

Oh God, did you see dinosaurs?

I'm not that old ... or so? Really, so old?

9. You have nothing to expect from your 23rd birthday. You have seen life ...

10. And all around you begin to pester this song:

Nobody loves you at 23.

And this is the time when she left me ...

11. Strictly speaking, 23 is the cause of all your problems.

How old are I?

12. For a reason Jim Carrey so strangely called his film ...

Can you somehow avoid the 23rd birthday? I have been developing the corresponding plan for a year already.

13. At least you can be proud of being the youngest in the office.

Picture: you and your boss.

14. You are still surprised by how old your colleagues are - it pleases.

Are you SO old?

15. At 23 many people meet their wives and husbands.


True, the statistics are frightening.

16. Therefore, you need to seriously think about how to start dating.

Do not want to date me?

You are welcome!

But I'll remember that!

You're wrong.

I hate you!

At the university, the difference of three years seemed insignificant. But now you are thinking, is it worth to meet with 20-year-olds?

17. You do not want to blush with your second half, having caught the eye of the teacher ...

You have already passed all this once. Enough.

18. But even dating with your elders makes you worried ...

Hello, I wanted to invite you, but then I realized how stupid it would look ...

You 30 have your own business. And what about me? And I'm on the next level in Fruit Ninja ...

19. It's especially difficult to join the adult life in 23 if you are still a student.

20. But regardless of whether you study or not, whether or not you work - you have 23 or more responsibilities than now, you have never been entrusted to you.

And I fed the pet?

21. And you realize that it's time to stop acting like a child ...

I'm an adult.

(Do not take it literally - behave as you want, this is your life).

22. ... although in fact you are only a beta version of an adult.

23. Well, welcome all 23-year-olds! The first year of your adult life has begun!