Herpes 1 and 2 types

Herpes is one of the most common types of the virus. Probably everyone faced this problem in its various manifestations. The most popular are the 1 and 2 types of herpes. They are a lot of trouble, but you can get rid of them pretty quickly. The main thing is to start acting in time.

Causes and symptoms of herpes of type 1 and type 2

Herpes viruses can safely live in any organism and at the same time not show itself. But as soon as a favorable atmosphere is created, the virus instantly becomes active.

To begin to develop actively viruses of herpes of 1 and 2 types can in the following cases:

  1. The number one reason is the weakened immunity and the cold that has appeared on this background.
  2. The damage from too hard diets, stresses and overwork is sometimes manifested by herpes.
  3. In some girls, herpes of type 1 or 2 develops during menstruation.
  4. Often the virus begins to develop with hypothermia.

The first type of herpesvirus is best known. This labial herpes and it usually affects the face and cheeks, from time to time appearing in the nose or mouth. The so-called cold on the lips most often becomes a consequence of hypothermia and is transmitted by airborne droplets or by direct contact. There is a type 1 herpes virus with small wound or groups of pimples that can itch and hurt, thereby delivering a lot of discomfort.

Herpes of the second type is genital. He is sexually transmitted. Unlike the herpes virus type 1, 2 manifests itself not so clearly. Usually the virus immediately moves to the nearest nerve endings. Because of this, usually the disease manifests itself by a strong burning, swelling and painful sensations, sometimes accompanied by malaise and fever, and the traditional symptoms - wounds and sores - appear extremely rarely.

Treatment of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2

Find a suitable antiviral in the pharmacy is not will be labor. The choice of a tool is best entrusted to a specialist. In addition to taking medicines aimed at fighting the virus, it is necessary to strengthen immunity:

  1. Revise the diet.
  2. Think about giving up bad habits.
  3. Try to protect yourself from stress and strain.

With proper treatment of herpes of type 1 and type 2, you can forget about relapses for a long time. To achieve this effect, continue the treatment course, even after the symptoms have disappeared. This will help to consolidate the positive result.