Finishing the balcony inside

The glazing and the warming of the balconies turns the cold and wind-blown area into a real oasis. If earlier people here arranged a pantry for trash and could fully rest in this place only during good weather, but now this year the space serves its owners as a full-fledged addition to the living space. Accordingly, for brick or concrete walls, you can pick up completely different ways of finishing the balcony, because the inside has already formed quite a comfortable microclimate.

Options for finishing the balcony inside

  1. Finishing the balcony inside the MDF panels . This material has many advantages - it improves the thermal insulation, it serves 25 years, does not burn out in the sun, reduces street noise, has better strength than PVC panels. If you want to improve the appearance of the balcony, you can open the MDF with varnish, which will give the walls a shine and increase the life of this coating.
  2. Finishing the balconies inside with plastic . Plastic proved to be quite good in different places. Even in the bathroom, where the conditions are very uneasy, it serves perfectly. Therefore, if you are looking for cheap decorative material for finishing your balcony inside, then PVC panels are suitable for this purpose perfectly.
  3. Finishing the balconies inside the plaster . The advantages of this type of work are also many. For example, you do not need additional finishing finishing, frost and sun " bark beetle " or other kind of external plaster is not afraid. You can use a variety of color palette, decorating the walls in any shades.
  4. Finishing the balcony with a wooden lining inside . Provided that you have enough money to buy natural material, you can buy real wood for work. Ecologicality will be at an altitude, the indoors smell of the forest will appear, the interior will be expensive and stylish, and the long life of such a lining is guaranteed to you.
  5. Finishing the balcony inside the cork . Cork veneer has an excellent structure, it does not suffer from temperature changes, the fungus is not afraid of how the heat and sound insulator showed itself perfectly, does not require special treatment. In addition, it is a natural material, for people who put environmentalism above all else, it will fit perfectly. Another feature of it should attract attention. With mechanical influences, you will not have dents on the walls, the material will shrink, but then again the appearance of the porous coating will be restored again.