Low body temperature causes

Man is a warm-blooded being, which is more beneficial from the point of view of evolution, since it gives him the opportunity to remain active in different climatic conditions. The mechanisms of thermoregulation keep the body temperature constant, about 36.6 ° C. If the temperature deviates from the norm, then often pay attention to its increase (fever) and rarely - to a low body temperature, the causes of which can be diseases, including very serious. To understand the causes of low body temperature, it is necessary to know how thermoregulation occurs in the body.

The main types of thermoregulation are:

Let us dwell in more detail on the causes of violations of each of these types of thermoregulation.

Violation of chemical thermoregulation

When the chemical thermoregulation is disturbed, low body temperature is due to various causes:

Violation of physical thermoregulation

If physical thermoregulation is impaired, heat can be lost due to profuse sweating (reaction to stress, endocrine system diseases) or excessive and prolonged vasodilation (NDC, hypotension).

The causes of disturbance of behavioral thermoregulation

Low body temperature in humans can occur due to a violation of behavioral thermoregulation, when a person stops responding to a decrease in ambient temperature. As a rule, this happens when the mind is disturbed (inadequate assessment of what is happening), as well as under the influence of narcotic substances and alcohol. A person does not pay attention to the cold, overcools and freezes. At the same time, his body temperature can drop to 25 ° C, which leads to someone and death. Not yet adjusted behavioral thermoregulation is often observed in young children, which can also be one of the causes of low body temperature.

In addition to these reasons, tumors, such as brain cancer, anorexia, AIDS, can become the basis for low human body temperature.

The first signs of low body temperature:

What if the person has low body temperature?

If you find yourself or your loved ones having a low body temperature, you need to find out its causes and duration, and take appropriate measures to normalize it.

In cases where low body temperature is associated with hypothermia, the effect of cold should be immediately eliminated. A person is warmed (for example, in a warm bath), given a warm sweet tea (if he is conscious). If a person loses consciousness, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

It should be taken into account that fluctuations in body temperature during the day in the region of 36.1-36.9 ° C are a normal process. In the morning the temperature is lower, towards evening it rises. In women, it may depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. If your thermometer is 3 times a day, several days in a row shows a low body temperature, you need to go to the doctor to find out the reasons and treatment. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations (general and biochemical blood tests, ECG, ultrasound, chest x-ray, thyroid examination, etc.). With the weakened immunity, you will be recommended a gentle regime of the day, rational nutrition, immunostimulants, vitamins. If there are suspicions of more serious diseases, you will be referred for consultation to specialist doctors (cardiologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

If the body temperature is lower in the child, it is necessary to show it to the doctor. If, at a low body temperature, a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, is alert and workable, no pathology is found in the examinations, and the temperature during life remains lower than that of a normal person, this can be regarded as a variant of the norm.