Sexual magic

Sexual magic is an integral part of other areas, so all people who have the ability, should at least a little understanding of it. Everyone has the potential of sexual energy, but not everyone is revealing it. Typically, literature on the magic of sexual energy, offers 2 types of development: masturbatory and a variant designed for couples. Many sorcerers believe that, thus, they are driven into certain frames and this does not give the opportunity to reveal the potential.

Magic of sexual binding

This rite is the most harmless in black magic. It is most often used to strengthen relationships , although the ritual can also do harm if desired. Bindings involve causing a person to have a sexual attraction, but this does not exclude intimate relationships with other people. If it is done correctly, then there will not be any changes in the personality, as is the case with other rituals of black magic. In general, peg is the best option among the spells of sexual magic.

To conduct the ritual is necessary on the growing moon and best of all on Friday, since this is the day of Venus. It is recommended to take a bath, turn off the phone, relax and mentally tune in to the rite . It is necessary to take 2 candles of red color and a photo. Light the candle and, without looking up, look at the photo, and stroke the other candle with your hands, as if it were a desired object. You should be as focused as possible on a person and do not think about anything else. During this, read these words:

"In the sea-okyane on the island of Buyan burns the stone Alatyr, burns, does not burn, so the servant of God burns, burns, does not burn out, to me, the servant of God (name) does not forget the road. Be my word for ever and ever. Amen".

Do this until the candle is burned by a third. The second candle must be burned in the presence of the person who was tied. The magic of sexual submission will help to get the desired object. To preserve the relationship, change yourself and do everything possible to maintain an invisible connection.