Is endometrial hyperplasia a cancer?

Female diseases associated with the pathological proliferation of tissues and the appearance of any formations in the pelvic organs are alarming and frightening. "Is not this cancer?" - a frequent question of patients with hyperplasia of the endometrium, myoma, endometriosis. This is the whole complexity and reason for many misconceptions, because not every specialist can intelligently and easily explain to a woman the essence of what is happening in her body, not to mention the proper treatment.

Today we will talk about hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus, and in particular about the causes and consequences of this pathological process.

Hyperplasia of the endometrium in medical practice

Before turning to the topic of interest to us, we immediately designate and reassure many uninformed women in this matter: endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus is not a cancer, but a disease requiring treatment. And now in order.

To have a more accurate idea of ​​what is happening, let us recall the course of school anatomy. So, the endometrium is the inner membrane of the uterus, which is subject to cyclic changes and consists of mucous cells, glands and vessels. Under the influence of hormones in the first phase of the cycle, it is actively expanding. If the pregnancy does not occur, then in the second phase it gradually dies off, and in the end it is rejected and goes outside, which, in fact, we call menstruation. When the female body is OK and the hormonal background is stable, the thickness of the endometrium in the middle of the cycle reaches 18-21 mm. The deviation from the norm in the larger direction is evidence of hyperplasia. In other words, endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus is nothing more than an overgrowth of the inner membrane, with a change in the structure of cells and glands.

Depending on the nature of the structural changes, there are:

Any of these forms of the disease is extremely rarely asymptomatic. Characteristic signs of endometrial hyperplasia are:

The causes and consequences of hyperplasia

The starting point of all morphological disorders in the female body is a hormonal imbalance. And hyperplasia is no exception. First of all, the cause of pathological proliferation of the inner shell of the uterus is an excess of estrogens and a deficiency of progesterone. Other comorbid conditions may also be a risk factor, for example, diabetes mellitus, elevated blood pressure, uterine myoma, dairy and thyroid gland diseases. Also, the appearance of hyperplasia can contribute: heredity, obesity, frequent abortions.

It is quite clear that the disease is one of quite dangerous and requiring immediate treatment. Because some forms of hyperplasia quickly enough degenerate into a cancerous tumor. In addition, even after surgical treatment, relapses, unfortunately, are not uncommon. As for benign processes, they are fraught with such unpleasant consequences as infertility and anemia.