Than to feed the child in 9 months?

By this age many children are already beginning to form their own taste. Someone prefers apples, and someone screams, seeing bananas. Mom every day trying to surprise their great boss with something new, tasty and useful, so the question of nutrition for them remains always relevant.

Diet in 9 months

If you adhered to all the recommended norms for the introduction of complementary foods, then at 9 months of age, your child is already familiar with almost all types of vegetable purees; eats porridge: oat, buckwheat, rice, corn; yolk; chicken or rabbit meat, and of course sour-milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt. About fruit juices and mashed potatoes I think, it's not even worth talking about - surely eats with pleasure.

From this age, new products can be introduced every day, but gradualness remains the main rule. No more than one slice or spoon of a new product in one day! Keep a diary of nutrition, in which note that when and how much they started to give. Also write down in it the reaction of the child's body. So, if there are suddenly rashes or a bad stool, it will be easier to understand what exactly.

Most often in 9 months the child already has teeth in his mouth, so you can try to offer him a baby cookie. It dissolves very well in saliva, so you can not be afraid of the baby choking on a too big bitten piece. By giving him food in handles, you prepare the ground for self-management of the spoon.

Baby diet in 9 months

Now is the time to begin to form a habit of such a diet:

Just do not try to "squeeze" your baby into this pattern. Some of these products, he can not categorically love, so do not torment neither the child, nor yourself. Just focus on the described example, which only says that meals should be 5, and the first and evening feeding should be easy.

While breastfeeding, a child can ask for breast after some meals - you should not refuse it if you are not going to stop breastfeeding.

Courses for children 9 months

At this age it's time to begin to get to know the baby with the fish. To begin with, take low-fat varieties of cod, sea bass or hake. From fish you can make soup or mashed potatoes with vegetables.

Nine-month-old babies can already be given meat meatballs of domestic production. In order to make them magnificent, minced meat should be passed through the meat grinder two times. In the second "run" add to the stuffing a piece soaked in water or milk (if there is no allergy) of white bread. The resulting mince as it should be whisked, adding cold water. In this way, you can cook meatballs from chicken, fish or other meat.

Mom needs to know that the food contains vitamins. Having thought out the baby's table well, you can save it from some diseases. So, for example, if a child has anemia, eating meat, liver, apples, apricots and rose hips (in the form of juice or children's tea) can help increase hemoglobin levels.

It is worth remembering that mother's milk plays an integral role in feeding the baby at 9 months of age. Suppose that it should not be more than a third of the daily diet. Applying to the breast is necessary for the child not only to quench hunger, but also as a means of communicating with the mother.