Cervical cyst - treatment

Cervical cyst is a disease manifested by the formation of closed enlarged glands in the cervix, in which a secretion occurs. As a result, there is inflammation that passes into the vagina or into the cervical canal leading to inflammation of the glandular ducts of the cervix and subsequent blockage.

Cyst of the cervix is ​​found in 10-20% of women.

The cyst may be a single (enometrioid) or multiple ( nodule cysts ).

Methods of cervical cyst treatment

Regardless of whether multiple (nate) cervical cysts or solitary, among doctors there are two opposing opinions about their treatment.

Some experts say that the tassels on the cervix are a normal condition of the patient, which does not cause complications and therefore do not require treatment.

But most doctors advocate the need for treatment, since there is a danger of developing a purulent infiltrate in the cervix of the uterus, by surgery to remove the tumor.

Operative intervention is used if it can be performed minimally traumatologically. With a deep arrangement, the cysts do not perform the operation, but simply observe the cyst.

To cure the cervix cyst, various methods are used. For example, such as radio wave or laser therapy. Cryodestruction is also used (moxibustion with liquid nitrogen), after application of which there is no scars on the cervix.

Laser cauterization of a cyst for a woman can be somewhat painful, although as a result, not only tissues are removed, but vessels are also cauterized, which stops bleeding. Laser moxibustion is more suitable for nulliparous women, since it helps to reduce the likelihood of complications.

It is possible to treat the cervical cyst quite out-patiently, without hospitalization.

After removing the cyst, a woman can feel the rezi in the lower abdomen. Ten days after the procedure, the activating process of healing the candles is prescribed. After a month, a checkup is recommended for the doctor.

For the treatment of recurrent cysts, various physiotherapeutic procedures and homeopathic preparations are additionally used.

Treatment of cervical cyst by folk methods

In folk medicine, there are methods of treating cervical cysts.

  1. For example, it is possible to insist in 300 ml of alcohol 300 g of raisins for two weeks, and then drink this infusion of 15 ml three times a day. Treatment lasts 30 days.
  2. Another recipe suggests mixing 1 tablespoon of cherry flowers, 5 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves and plantain, 4 teaspoons of marigold and dog rose flowers, 2 mountaineers, celiac grass, chicory root, 3 chamomile flowers and sea-buckthorn. One tablespoon of herbal mixture should be poured 200 ml of boiling water and insist 5 hours in the heat. Take the resulting herbal preparation for a long time three or four times a day for 60-70 ml.
  3. In another recipe it is suggested to mix, heating on a water bath, a glass of pumpkin seeds, 500 ml of sunflower oil, a glass of flour, 7 boiled yolks. The mixture should be consumed 5 days each morning in a teaspoonful. Then a 5-day break is done. Then you need to again use the product, again - a break. So you have to act until the finished portion of the remedy runs out.

Prevention of cervical cyst

To prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist with the subsequent passage of ultrasound. The doctor can also recommend a prophylactic endoscopic examination of the vaginal part of the cervix for a more thorough examination.

In addition, the risk of cysts on the cervix can be reduced due to timely treatment of various kinds of inflammation of the female genital organs.