How much delay can there be?

Perhaps there is no such girl who would not face the problem of delaying menstruation. Most often, this kind of situation occurs at a young age, during puberty. Then this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the girl did not have a cycle. It is at this time and the question arises: how much delay can there be?

How much delay can the menstrual period have?

Young girls facing this situation, first of all, are interested in the question of how many days the normal delay of the monthly is and how much it is permissible. In principle, the delay can not be called the norm, no matter how long it lasts. However, gynecologists hold this view: the absence of menstrual bleeding to 10 days, can be conditionally called the norm.

What are the causes of menstruation?

The appearance of a delay in menstruation, however long it may last, may indicate the presence of pathology. Therefore, it is very important to establish the cause as soon as possible and correctly.

The most common cause of this phenomenon is polycystosis . With this pathology, the development of menstrual irregularity is almost inevitable. In this case, there can be observed both a delay and a complete absence of menstruation. In addition, the level of male sex hormones increases, and the female body begins to acquire features of men.

Increasingly, women note the development of the problem of the absence of menstruation after taking contraceptive medications . The thing is that such drugs in their composition almost all contain hormones. As a result, there is a hormonal failure, which manifests itself as a violation of the menstrual cycle.

What should I do if my menstrual period is delayed?

Girls who have learned how many days the delay of menstrual bleeding may be thinking about how to deal with this problem. First of all, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the development of this phenomenon. It is almost impossible to do this on your own, therefore, medical help is needed.

The girl is given numerous examinations. First of all, this is ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which allows you to identify the available formulations. If, after the pathology is not detected, a blood test for hormones is prescribed, because in most cases it is the change in their blood level that causes such disturbances.

Thus, it can be said that the phrase "normal delay of menstruation" is erroneous, and how many days there would be no monthly (2-3 days or a week), medical consultation is necessary. In some cases, their absence may be only a symptom of a complex gynecological disease.