Masked lovebird

A parrots masque orb litter or spectacled lapwing - a bird of the parrot family. Parrots are masked underwings are considered the most beautiful of all the diversity of the inseparable. They have a fairly large head, a thick, curved beak. Around the eyes, these birds have circles of uneven skin, for this feature they have received their second name - a spectacleless litter.

The color of the masked underbirds is mottled - dark green wings, dark brown head, orange-yellow throat. The color of nestlings is paler than that of adult birds. Parrots reach a length of 16 cm and weigh about 50 g.

In nature, birds of this species live in Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Mozambique. They prefer steppes, groves, do not like thick forests.

Care for parrots in love

Care parrot is not complicated. You do not have long to think about what to feed the parrot . It feeds on seeds, fruits, bark of some trees, small insects, grain crops. It is impossible to tolerate malnutrition - this can lead to the death of the bird. In the summer it can and should be bathed, must be released from the cage. As for taking vitamin and mineral supplements, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Live parrots are infertile 10-13 years. Domestication of the parrot girl is short-lived. The main thing is not to insist on communication, to talk to the parrot affectionately, to take on hands only with his consent. Then he will quickly get used to you and even remember his name .

The breeding of masked underwings can begin after puberty at the age of one year. Nerazluchniki create a couple for a lifetime, so it's not necessary to select a partner.

At home, you need to help build a nest for lovers. In nature, the bird takes 10-20 days to do this. The first egg is deposited 10 days after mating, and the female starts to incubate only when there are several eggs in the nest.