What kind of fish start a beginner aquarist?

Big money thrown to the wind can quickly disappoint a person who wants to have fish, and he will abandon his hobby altogether. Let's see what kind of fish it is better to get a newcomer to have his aquarium looked stylish and beautiful. After all, there are many unpretentious creatures that look no less bright and spectacular than expensive specimens, after which experienced fans are chasing.

Fish in the aquarium for beginners

  1. Guppy . It is difficult to call fish more unpretentious than guppies . By the way, it was these gentle creatures that mastered the first of their brethren, which again indicates their undemanding habitat. Even noticed that they are more fond of aquariums than natural ponds. True, the women themselves do not particularly shine with beauty, but the males are pleased with the abundance of colors.
  2. Danio . The small schooling fish of the zebrafish are peaceful and will not attack other inhabitants of your small pond. Although they are quite jumping, so do not leave the aquarium without a lid. Try to keep the water fresh, and zebrafish will long please its owner with beauty.
  3. The barbs . Considering aquarium fish for beginners, we should not forget about the barbs , which number about two hundred species. But only they can get a little more quiet and peace-loving neighbors, plucking them filiform fins.
  4. Somiks . If you have acquired barbs, then you can populate the speckled catfish. Let them not shine with charm, but these fish are friendly and take root in almost any aquarium.
  5. Gurami . Movable gurus are distinguished by tolerance and curiosity. It is interesting that for breathing they have successfully adapted to use atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, take care that the aquarium has access to fresh air.
  6. The Sword Bearers . Omnivorous and quiet sword-bearers are wonderful neighbors for most fish. They can live well in a small container, but they behave better in spacious aquariums. Also, like the zebrafish, swordsmen can jump out, so do not leave your water world without a cover.

Beginners often make ignorant mistakes in any business, and aquarium fish are no exception. There are such kinds of living beings who need special knowledge and care, only experienced lovers undertake to tinker with expensive exotic fish. Our article on what fish is better to buy in an aquarium for beginners, will help you make a good choice.