Ringworm in dogs

When you bring a puppy into the house, treat him like a child. In addition to good nutrition and decent care, the pet needs protection from a number of dangerous and not very diseases. If vaccinations against pyroplasmosis or other diseases are quite common, then not everyone can decide whether to prevent prophylaxis. On how much this skin disease is dangerous and whether vaccinations are needed from it, we will consider in this article.

How to determine the deprivation of a dog?

The first thing we do is "recognize the enemy in person" and learn how to recognize lichen in dogs. Let's start with the causes of this unpleasant disease. The most common lichen and other skin diseases occur in dogs that are not well cared for or who are in contact with stray animals.

Be careful on a walk if you meet an unfamiliar dog with a host without a lead. Do not let her approach your pet. The fact is that the fungus does not always cause skin damage, some animals do not get sick themselves and are carriers. After such contacts, watch closely the dog, because the incubation period can last from 8 to 30 days.

Here are the correct ways how one can determine the deprivation of a dog:

Types of hair loss in dogs

There are several main varieties of this skin disease. Some are caused by viruses or fungi, others are skin lesions in the form of eczema.

  1. Weeping. This species is allergic. Among all varieties of lichen in dogs this species is not contagious. On the skin of the pet you will see a characteristic rash, there will be itching and burning. The affected area has a reddish tint, puffiness appears, after combing a crust of pink or bluish color is formed.
  2. Shingles. Causative herpes virus. Most often, the beginning is in the abdomen or intercostal space. First there is an itch, then there are bubbles with a liquid.
  3. Peregrine. The rash is distinguished by a yellowish-brown hue. The skin begins to loosen up slightly and scales appear.
  4. Pink. Sites of inflamed skin have a pinkish or light brown hue. The shape of lesions is oval or slightly rounded. The disease causes a virus.
  5. Ringworm. The disease occurs against the background of a fungal infection. On the scalp, you will notice spots on which the wool is broken off or partially falls out. The lesions have a pinkish hue with light scales and characteristic peeling.

Prevention of hair loss in dogs

To deprive dogs of their dysfunction, care should be taken to ensure proper care of the hair, good nutrition and constantly monitor the general condition of the body. Do not allow contact with sick animals, stray or other unfamiliar dogs.

If you have a trip outside the city and you know in advance that you can not avoid contact with unfamiliar animals, you should prepare in advance. Today, opinions regarding the vaccination against the depriving of the dog are divided. Some experts are sure that such measures are simply necessary. Others argue that the effectiveness is very doubtful and the vaccine works directly during treatment, but not as prevention.

In any case, you should understand that such injections will have a detrimental effect on the liver of the dog. So concerning preventive measures it is difficult to give unequivocal advice. It is best to go through the examination and consult with a specialist about your pet.