Mount Koya-san


In the Japanese prefecture of Wakayama, the amazing Mount Koyasan is located. Here is a large number of Buddhist monasteries, which belong to the school of Singon.

general information

The very first temple was founded by the famous monk Kukai in 819. The shrine is located in a valley surrounded by 8 mountain peaks at an altitude of 800 m above sea level. In the old days, about 1,000 monasteries were located on Mount Koya in Japan , but in due course there were only about 100 buildings.

There is a legend according to which the place for the construction of the Buddhist school and the first temple (Dandze Garan) Kukai helped to find the hunter and his mother. They gave the monk two dogs who had found the sacred vajara. Today one of the buildings shows a story from this legend, and black and white dogs are considered pilgrims.

Description of the temple complex

The most famous buildings on Mount Koya-san are:
  1. Okuno-in is a sacred mausoleum where the remains of Kukai are located, surrounded by a large cemetery (about 100,000 tombs). Famous followers of the monk, politicians, feudal lords, etc. rest here. Nearby is the Lampad room and the famous stone of Maitreya Bodhisattva, giving luck and strength to all who touch it.
  2. The component-daito is a pagoda located in the center of the Singhal Mandala, which covers Japan. The building is part of the complex Garant.
  3. Congobu-ji is the most important and ancient temple of the school syngon. Inside you can see the illustrations from the life of monks, made by craftsmen in 1593. Around the institution are kindergartens for meditation.
  4. The tomb of Tokugawa - it was built by the 3rd Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1643, but in the crypt there was no one buried.
  5. Dzsonyin is a women's temple located in a famous place, where pilgrims begin their journey.
  6. The museum of Reyhokan - it stores almost 8% of all the national treasures of the country. In the institution you can see pictures, scrolls, statues, large mandalas and other exhibits. The highlight of the institution is the biography of Buddhist monk Kobo Daisi, made in pictures.
  7. Dandzegaran - the central monastery, which includes the most ancient building - Fudodo, built in 1197, as well as the Compound Daito pagoda, the treasure house, the portrait hall of Miyado.
  8. Temples are linked together by a special path, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main entrance to the sanctuary is decorated with the gate of Dimon, built in the XII century.

In the summer, these places are filled with bright and lush greenery (for example, the umbrella pine), in the winter from here you can see a picturesque view of the mountain range, cherry blossoms in the spring, and bright red maples are everywhere in the autumn. The air on Mount Koya-san in Japan is clean and fresh, and peace and quiet help immerse yourself in the culture of Buddhism.

Features of visit

For tourists and pilgrims who wish to spend the night here, such entertainments are offered:

In the sanctuary it is necessary to strictly observe certain rules, for example, not to walk around the temple in shoes or to not come to prayer in an unseemly kind. In the territory of Koya-san in Japan there are a lot of grocery stores and souvenir shops, and there are also small cafes.

The cost of admission to each temple is different and it starts from $ 2, children under 6 years free of charge, and for schoolchildren and students there are often discounts. Restaurants are open from 08:30 until 17:00.

There is a combined ticket, the cost of which is about $ 13. It involves the possibility of visiting 6 popular places. It can be purchased at any tourist center on Mount Koya-san.

How to get there?

From the city ​​of Osaka, you can take the Nankai Railways train to Gokurakubashi station. From here to the top of the mountain there is a funicular that costs $ 3 and takes 5 minutes on the way. Even to Koya-san from the bus stop go by a narrow serpentine. On foot it is forbidden to climb.