Kudesan for children

Kudesan tablets for children are a unique biologically active additive that contains coenzyme Q10, which is a powerful antioxidant. This means that the active substance of this drug stimulates the oxidation-reduction processes in the body and promotes the neutralization of free radicals. This is necessary for the stable operation of the cardiovascular system and the preservation of the youth of the organs and their systems. Normally the child's body produces antioxidants, but there are also failures, and then a drug such as kudesan is needed.

Indications for use of the drug kudesan

Kudesan is used to treat the following diseases:

In addition, kudesan can be drunk and for the prevention of the diseases listed above, to stabilize immune processes and increase immunity, if necessary, normalize the metabolism. It is used in the treatment of endocrine and neurological diseases. Keep in mind that the use of the drug kudesan, especially for children, is possible only on the advice of a doctor and under his supervision. Do not engage in self-medication, because instead of solving the problem, it can be detrimental to the health of the child.

Contraindications to the use of kudesana are only two: intolerance of individual components of the drug (ubiquinone and vitamin E) and children under 3 years (this applies to tablets). Children from 1 year are allowed to take kudesan in drops; up to a year it is better to refrain from taking this medication.

Forms of release kudesana

This type of dietary supplements is available in various forms so that everyone can choose the most convenient of them.

  1. Chewable kudesan tablets for children have a pleasant creamy taste. Such a medicine will appeal to any child!
  2. Kudesan drops for children are 3% solution for oral administration; they are very easy to use. Just add the right amount in tea or juice: the taste of the drink does not change at all. This form of release is suitable for small children who can not or do not want to chew tablets. Drops should be dissolved in a glass of water or a drink and consumed once a day (preferably in the first half). The amount of drops kudesana depends on the age and the goal that you are pursuing. The norms of drug use for the prevention of deficiency in the body of coenzyme Q10 and therapeutic doses for the treatment of specific diseases are different, and they should be determined by a qualified doctor for each specific child.

Safety of use kudesana

Kudesan in a sense is a unique medicine. It's not just improves well-being, like other dietary supplements, it really heals. He has absolutely no side effects (and this is a great rarity in pharmacology), he does not contain preservatives and dyes (which is important in childhood), it can be used simultaneously with other drugs without risk to health. The effectiveness of the kudesan is largely determined by the peculiarities of its production: it uses a unique form of water-soluble coenzyme, which makes it unnecessary for patients to consume it with fatty foods, as with most fat-soluble Q10 agents.

In addition, can not help but rejoice the price of kudesan for children. It is much less than the price of other drugs containing this coenzyme, and is about 7-10 dollars, depending on the form of release.