Child's temperature 39

Many pediatricians do not recommend that a child be knocked down if she is within 38 degrees. What should parents do when faced with a fever in a child above 38 degrees? We will talk about this in this article, along with explaining what causes high temperature can be caused and how to help the child without harming at the same time.

The reasons for raising a child's temperature to 39 degrees and above

Elevated temperature in children is a reaction of the body to the actions of various agents, for example, infections and viruses.

The temperature of 39 degrees in a child can be accompanied by a cough, reddening of the throat, skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes and other symptoms. In such cases, the cause, most often, are infectious and viral diseases, but for the final diagnosis it is necessary to consult a doctor.

With intestinal infections, the temperature of 39 degrees in a child is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. The same symptoms can be observed with an increase in acetone in the blood and lesions of the brain centers.

Also, the temperature of 39 degrees in a child can accompany the process of teething. In this case, the temperature

The temperature of 39 degrees and above in a child during the week indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, only a specialist can identify the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When you need to knock down a child's temperature?

As long as the child's temperature is kept to within 38 degrees, his body struggles with infection while not harming him, but influencing his condition. Lowering the temperature is not recommended. The only exception is children suffering from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as children under two months of age.

When the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, it must be lowered, otherwise the strong load on the baby's body goes.

How to knock down a child at 39 degrees?

Abundant drink

During the rise in body temperature, the child loses a lot of fluids. In order that the blood does not thicken, the child is recommended to drink abundantly. Water should not be too cold or hot, as it is absorbed by the body longer. Drinking should match the body temperature of the child with a possible deviation of 5 degrees.

Cool indoor temperature

In the room where the sick child is, you need to keep the temperature within 21 degrees. The child himself should not be warmly dressed - this can translate to a heat stroke, which will only aggravate his general condition.


To reduce the temperature should use children's antipyretic drugs. Aspirin in these cases is not recommended, because it has a detrimental effect on the child's body.

In the absence of vomiting in the child, it is possible to use antipyretic drugs in the form of tablets or suspensions. If the temperature is 39 degrees and higher, the baby still has candles. They should be introduced taking into account the time of action of the drugs. So, suspensions and tablets influence after 20 minutes, and candles - after 40 minutes.

If the temperature does not drop, you must enter an intramuscular lytic mixture . At a temperature of 39 degrees and above in a one-year-old child, the mixture is prepared at the rate of 0.1 ml of analgin and papaverine. To older children, the volume of the mixture is increased: 0.1 ml for each year of life. It is important to consider the number of drugs administered so that the child does not have an overdose.