Emollients for children - names of drugs

In order to cope with the manifestations of a disease such as atopic dermatitis, mothers resort to the use of emollients designed to treat the disease in children. This kind of means provides restoration of protective functions of the surface layers of the skin.

How to choose the right emollient?

In order to choose from a whole list of drugs-emo-lovers for children necessary, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. So, for example, with a mild disease, when there are single manifestations on the skin, and the skin is not very drained, it is necessary to use more liquid forms of emollients.

In the same cases, when dryness is strongly pronounced, and localized on the surface of the skin of the cheeks, elbows, knees, it is necessary to give preference to the dosage form with a denser consistency (ointment or cream).

Which emo-lovers are appointed most often?

Most often, doctors prescribe emollient preparations for children with the following names:

The list of drugs-emo-lovers presented above for children is far from complete, because today there are a lot of them. Moreover, whole sets have been developed that contain shower gel, emulsion, soap, bath preparations, and cream. An example may be a series of emollients Oylatum.

How to use emo-lovers correctly?

It is very important not only from the many drugs-emo-lovers for children to correctly pick it up, but also to use it correctly. In this case, it is necessary to consider the following.

In most cases, doctors advise to apply the compounds directly in the morning and in the evening. In severe forms of the disease, the amount of application can be increased by a doctor up to 4 times.

In addition, in cold weather it is also necessary to apply emo-dents, just before going out on the street. This will allow you to correct the effects of temperature changes, which can only lead to an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of new skin lesions.

Thus, it can be said that emollients are simply irreplaceable in the fight against the manifestations of atopic dermatitis. They allow not only to get rid of the existing skin changes, but also to avoid the appearance of new ones. However, in any case, before buying emolent it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, since the fact that he helped the child's girlfriend does not mean that he will help you.