Alkaline inhalations

Alkaline inhalations are one of the most simple and affordable methods of treating acute and chronic respiratory diseases. These procedures significantly alleviate the condition of patients, facilitating the dilution of sputum contained in the bronchi and helping to withdraw it faster.

How to make alkaline inhalations at home?

Here's how the procedure goes:

  1. For the procedure, you can use a solution of baking soda (a teaspoon of soda for 0.5 liters of hot water) or heated alkaline mineral water (Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan).
  2. The inhalation solution, having a temperature of about 45 ° C, is poured into the teapot.
  3. Steam is inhaled from the nozzle through the mouth, exhalation is through the nose. The exhalations should be calm, slow.

The duration of the procedure is 5-8 minutes, the number of procedures per day is 3-4.

Alkaline inhalation with nebulizer

This procedure can also be carried out using a nebulizer , which can be more convenient and effective. The solution is prepared in the same way as described above.

Oily-alkaline inhalations

Oily inhalations are performed to create a protective film on the mucosa of the respiratory tract in cases of inflammatory diseases of a hypertrophic nature, as well as for preventive purposes. For greater efficiency, oily inhalation is best performed immediately after alkaline.

For the procedure of oil inhalation, as a rule, vegetable oils (peach, almond, anise, camphor, eucalyptus, etc.) are used. This procedure is carried out with the help of special inhalers for oil solutions. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the course of treatment is 5-15 procedures.

Hydrochloric-alkaline inhalations

With prolonged cough, saline-alkaline inhalations using sea salt are recommended. To prepare a solution for inhalation, dissolve a teaspoon of soda and a tablespoon of salt in half a liter of hot water.