How to reanimate an orchid?

Surely many people know such a picture: bought in a flower shop orchid blooms violently, the plant looks healthy, but after the flowering begins to wither with each passing day. Obviously, the flower is slowly dying, but it's a pity to throw out such beauty, how to be? Let's find out how you can reanimate an orchid at home.

We return the flower to life

From the title of this section, you can understand that it's about how to restore a dying flower to life, in which life is still alive. Orchids are quite tenacious plants, resuscitation is possible, even a flower without roots. No matter how bad the health of the plant does not seem, there is always a chance for its salvation. If everything is done correctly, a few months later the orchid will recover and will be able to blossom again!

If your orchid has remained without leaves, flower stalks have dried, then it's time to do resuscitation of the plant as soon as possible! You should start with the examination of the roots. If they are covered with plaque or have pronounced signs of decay, they must be carefully removed. Be careful: if there is at least one affected area, then the plant does not survive. Further, disinfection is necessary, for this purpose a solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. Dip the remains of the root system into it for a few minutes. After this, the plant can be transplanted into a new substrate, but on condition that the majority of the roots survive. But what if there is nothing left of them?

The second life for an orchid without roots

So, how to reanimate the orchid, which has remained completely without roots? This will require a clean package, where you need to pour a little slightly moistened substrate. Then we put the plant roots down, the package tightly tied. Every two or three days we check the condition of the roots. If the disease no longer makes itself felt for two days, then our mission was crowned with success. Now we need to wait for the young roots to grow to five centimeters, then the orchid can be moved to its new home with a slightly moistened substrate.

Resuscitation of orchids in water is also possible. To do this, after removing the dead roots, it must be placed in a container of water. With all this, as practice shows, the first method is more labor-intensive, but also more effective, because it gives a much better chance of success.

Take care of your exotic favorites, take care of them , and they will thank the magnificent flowering!