Eggs poached: recipe

Poached eggs are a recipe for French cuisine, now popular all over the world. Today, breakfasts in a variety of catering establishments almost always provide customers with a choice of boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, omelettes or poached eggs. The latter is an egg, boiled without a shell in boiling acidified water. This dish is perfect for breakfast, it's a great alternative to shell-baked eggs, which we are all so used to. It is no coincidence that it takes the third most popular place among the morning dishes: the egg-poached contains a large amount of protein, it is tasty and nutritious and much more useful than fried eggs. Salad with poached egg is good to serve for dinner or for dinner.

How to cook poached eggs?

The preparation of the poached egg is a simple matter, requiring, however, some skill. How to cook poached eggs? It is necessary to pour a small pot of water and bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a mild boil (ideal temperature + 97 ° C). Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to boiling water, preferably - natural and necessarily light, otherwise the egg will light up slightly and become less appetizing. Salting water should not be, otherwise the protein will look like rags. The egg is carefully loosened from the shell and placed in a small bowl or cup. Twisting the water "whirlpool" in one direction using a spoon, gently pour the prepared egg exactly in the center of the "whirlpool". Varim (more precisely, we'll sew) our egg exactly 2 minutes and carefully extract it from the water with the help of noise. Now we let the excess water drain (to do this, place the noise with the egg on a folded clean napkin or on a towel for a minute) and bring it to the table, putting it on a slice of bread or toast.

Egg-poached as an ingredient

You can use eggs poached in the preparation of various salads, for this, the cooled eggs are neatly cut into small pieces. You can serve them with pasta and sauce. By the way, you can use slightly undercooked poached eggs for cooking various sauces and dressings, grinding them with olive oil, mustard and a small amount of white wine in a blender. And you can cook eggs "Benedict", in fact it is a sandwich with poached eggs and a traditional Dutch sauce made from egg yolks, butter and lemon juice. This breakfast is very popular in Europe. It will be very tasty if you lay a poached egg on a toast, lightly oiled with Dijon mustard.

Cooking options

Especially deft chefs break eggs directly over the water. Some break an egg into a ladle and already in it place an egg in boiling water, so that the protein does not grow. In the pot set a special ring for cooking poached eggs. Others prepare a bag of food film, lubricate it with oil from the inside and boil an egg-poached in it. How much to cook? At least one minute, but not more than 3 minutes. In any case, the eggs must be very fresh (preferably not older than 4 days) that have been veterinarily tested, in order to avoid salmonella infection and, of course, not to be frozen.

About sauces

Sauce for poached eggs can be different. They are in harmony with the classic Dutch sauce, which is made from raw egg yolks (you can use quail eggs), natural butter and lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed and slightly heated in a water bath. Suitable and various cheese sauces or sauces based on cream, yogurt or wine. Spicy spicy sauces with chopped herbs, garlic, pepper and olives will give the poached eggs a special piquancy. You can use a variety of hot sauces based on tomato paste, and everyone knows mayonnaise (of course, it's better in the home cooking option). In general, there are a lot of options, it is already a matter of culinary fantasy, traditional-national and personal preferences.