Myrtle - home care, the secrets of proper growing

Evergreen shrub myrtle, care at home for which differs in its specificity, has a small shiny leaves and snow-white small flowers. Growing in the form of a tree, it creates around itself an atmosphere full of aromas, thanks to the large content of essential oils in it

Flower myrtle - care at home

It is important to know how to take care of a myrtle, so that it pleases with its flowering and does not react to bad conditions by dropping foliage. He loves the climate with high humidity, while not afraid of drafts. An exotic myrtle with care at home should ensure the fulfillment of some important conditions of detention. Among them - maintaining the right temperature level, the correct placement:

  1. The bush loves diffused bright light, an abundance of fresh air.
  2. In summer, it is recommended to keep the flower at a temperature of + 22-24 ° C, take out the container on the balcony, and ventilate. In winter, the temperature is allowed to decrease - at + 15-18 ° C the plant successfully hibernates.
  3. It is advised to put the myrtle on the southern windowsills, pritenyaya from the sun direct rays - there it will be more abundant blossom.

How to water myrtle?

When caring for myrrh, it is important to ensure regular watering, because the plant comes from the tropics and prefers high humidity. In addition, the flower needs regular spraying. Moisten and water the bush with soft, standing water. On the question of how often to water the myrtle, experienced flower growers are advised to do this twice a week abundantly in the summer, and reduce watering to one time in winter.

Thus it is possible not to wait for drying of the top layer of soil in a vessel, the main thing - in half an hour after procedure excess water to merge from the pallet. Allow the soil to dry out drastically, otherwise the plant will begin to lose leaves and may die - there must always be a moist soil in the pot. It is very important when taking care to ensure that the water in the vessel does not stagnate.

Pruning myrtle

If a myrtle grows in a dwelling, home care after him presupposes trimming. They make it possible to transform the cardinal shape of the plant, to conduct them better in the spring no more often than once in 2 years. Pinching young twigs is allowed all year round - so you can increase the density of the bush. But with frequent prishchipkah culture begins to bloom less, this must also be taken into account. Myrtle well tolerates circumcision, it is possible to form its crown at its discretion. The main condition - do not sever the barrel. Myrtle - possible pruning and shaping of the crown:

  1. If the myrtle is not trimmed, eventually it will acquire a pyramidal shape.
  2. If you trim the top of the tree, you get a squat thick cushion.
  3. If cut off at the side of the bush, it will acquire a high crown on the stem.

Myrtle transplantation after purchase

A couple of weeks after the tree appeared in the house, it is better to transplant it. Do it better from January to early November - this period is the most painless for myrtle. When transplanting the roots, the trees are best treated with some growth biostimulator - this will improve their survival. First, move the bush better into a pot of the same diameter in which it was bought, filled with a fertile substrate. So it will be easier for a plant to fill fresh soil with a root lump. After the migration, the flower should be well watered until the water spills out of the drainage holes.

With further care, myrtle transplantation at home is required when it becomes tight in the vessel and the roots are visible through the lower holes. Often, young trees are transplanted in the spring each year before flowering, adults - every 3-4 years. In the procedure it is better to apply the method of transshipment - it least traumatizes the underground part of the crop. It is important to ensure that the root neck on the trunk remains on the ground. Its penetration can lead to various diseases and damage to the roots by rot.

Myrt - what kind of pot is needed?

It is important to know that the myrtle does not like large pots - the main thing is that its capacity exactly fit its root system. Landing it immediately in the dimensional vessel will be a mistake. The size of the container is calculated as follows: its volume should be half the volume of the crown of the plant. For example, if the tree is 3 years old, then the pot for such a myrtle measuring 12 cm in diameter will be just right. In the future, during transplantation, choose a container a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one.

Primer for myrtle

The soil for myrtle should be close to natural. The culture is not whimsical, so any well drained substrate will suit it. It can be prepared from turf, peat land, humus and sand (river or sifted), taken in equal parts. It is allowed to use ready-made shop mixes or greenhouse soil. It is useful to add charcoal, organic compost . At the bottom of the vessel must be laid a good layer of drainage .

Why does myrtle bloom?

Exotic myrtle, care at home under which is produced according to the rules, blossoms beautifully - all the tree is covered abundantly with small white flowers. But such a sight is not always pleasing to the eye and there are several reasons. Why myrtle does not bloom - what to do:

  1. Myrtle loves a bright light. Located on the south window and shaded by a curtain, he pleases with wonderful colors. If it is put on any other side, the bush may not bloom at all.
  2. The flower is in need of fresh air. In the warm season, to make it bloom, it is better to keep it on the balcony, open veranda, in the garden.
  3. For flowering exotics a humid microclimate is needed. It is provided by systematic watering and spraying with soft water. It is important to create a good drainage in the pot and make sure that the water does not accumulate in the pan, otherwise the roots may rot.
  4. If there is a desire to admire the flowering myrtle, then its pruning is better to postpone the month of August.
  5. Blooming directly depends on top dressing - fertilizers should contain a high concentration of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen.

How to feed myrtle at home?

From March to August, the flower is fertilized every week. Depending on which tree you want to get picked up and top dressing for myrtle. If you like a green miniature plant, then the bush is fertilized with a nitrogen preparation. Complex liquid compositions for decorative and deciduous crops are suitable for this purpose. If you want to see the flowering of the plant, you need a fertilizer in the form of a composition for flowering specimens with a high level of phosphorus.

Myrtle - reproduction at home

A leafy myrtle reproduces in two ways - seeds and cuttings. The second method is more simple and reliable - so you can save all the maternal and varietal features of the plant. Flower myrtle when propagated by cuttings will bloom more quickly, with the seed method the first buds will appear on it only after 5 years. Therefore, if you want to quickly grow an exotic tree at home, it is better to ask your friends for cutting after pruning.

Myrtle from seeds at home

Seed sowing is produced in the spring. This method of reproduction is less effective, but it is also used. How to grow myrtle from seeds:

  1. The prepared substrate (one part of the peat and one of the sand) is covered in boxes of 8-10 cm in height.
  2. Seeds on the soil surface are evenly distributed, sprinkled on the ground by 3-4 cm.
  3. The crops are moistened and covered with glass to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. For seed germination, a temperature range of + 20 ° C is required.
  5. Periodically, the glass should be opened for ventilation, condensate removal.
  6. The soil must be kept moist.
  7. The first shoots will appear after a couple of weeks, when they become too much - you can sprout the shoots.
  8. After emergence on the shoots, 3 leaves are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate.
  9. Young plants are fed a month later with nitrogen feed on a weak concentration.

Myrtle - reproduction by cuttings

The best result is given by the semisolid cuttings of the current year, they must be cut in January-February or mid-summer (in July). Scions should be taken from the lower or middle part of the tree, their length should be 8-10 cm. How to root the myrtle with a handle:

  1. With the escape you need to remove the lower leaves, and the upper ones to a third to shorten.
  2. The cut must be treated with Kornevin or Heteroauxin.
  3. For rooting, a mixture of leafy earth (1 part) and coarse sand (0.5 part) is suitable.
  4. The capacity for rooting is better to take a wide and low.
  5. The stalk is stuck into the prepared soil and covered with a glass jar.
  6. Rooting occurs at a temperature of + 17- + 20 ° C, light does not need sprouts - on the contrary, they need to be pritenyat.
  7. Periodically, the can is removed for ventilation.
  8. Roots within a month grow, the stalk is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 7 cm with the same soil.
  9. A year later, it is transferred to a 9-cm container in the soil for an adult myrtle, and provides further care, like an adult plant.
  10. Flowering of the bush during propagation by cuttings comes on 3-4 years.

Myrt withered - how to reanimate?

Often the question arises - why do myrtle dry and fall leaves. If this happens, then some recommendation for caring for the plant is not taken into account. Unfavorable on the foliage affects the lack of humidity, especially if the myrtle costs in winter in a room with a temperature above + 18 ° C with heating turned on. Myrtle often dries if you forget to water it. It is important to regularly moisturize and spray the plant with standing water, keep it on a pallet with wet pebbles that do not reach the pot. How to reanimate the myrtle, if it began to dry:

  1. When the first signs of the fading of the myrtle are found, it is important to cut off all dry branches to the living part.
  2. Transfer it to a place protected from sunlight, adjust the watering and start spraying. In winter, you need to find a cooler corner.
  3. When watering in the water should be added every 2 weeks, the drug " Zircon " at the rate of 5-6 drops per liter of water.
  4. It is useful to irrigate the leaves with "Epin" (once every 7-10 days until the plant has fully recovered), cover the bush with a cellophane package, periodically ventilating.