ZPR in children - symptoms

Unfortunately, the number of children with mental retardation (MRA) is increasing every year. According to Russian researchers, the failure rate of schoolchildren in 80% of cases is caused by this disease, which does not allow the child to adequately absorb new information, analyze and reproduce it. Back in 2000, according to experts, every fourth child of preschool age had this diagnosis. Later the situation worsened even more. What causes this disease, and how can you help your child?

The causes and types of mental retardation

  1. The genetic reason for the delay in mental development is known to many from school lessons in biology. In this case, the disease is to blame for the so-called "chromosomal aberration", while the site of the chromosome is either simply lost, or transferred to another place. And it also happens that the chromosomes merge with each other.
  2. In addition, in PZD children may be at fault for injuries suffered by the child during passage through the birth canal. Chronic hypoxia experienced by a child during fetal development may be adversely affected (which is observed if the mother did not leave her workplace during pregnancy, spent little time in the open air, and more - in an enclosed space).
  3. In PZD can be to blame and severe mental illness of the child, alcoholism of his parents, painful traits of the nature of his parents or caregivers. For many traditional cultures, the cruel punishment of a child in the event of disobedience is inherent. It is in families where mental and psychological discomfort is observed that these practices of corporal punishment are the most common so far. However, how effective is this method of education? The child really ceases to violate the "general order," but when it comes to educational, creative activity, it turns out that he is no longer capable of it. Spanking destroys cognitive abilities.

ZPR in children - symptoms

The psychology of children with CRD is characterized by the following features:

  1. The child is not capable of joint activities, including, to collective games.
  2. Attention in children with PEP is much weaker than that of his peers. It is difficult for a child to concentrate his attention not only to assimilate complex material, but also to avoid being distracted during the teacher's explanations.
  3. Emotional sphere of children with PEP is extremely vulnerable. The child takes offense and closes in himself at the slightest failure.

So, the behavior of children with DZD can be easily identified by the child's unwillingness to participate in collective games, the learning process, the unwillingness to follow the pattern of an adult, to achieve the set goals.

However, this behavior should not be confused with the manifestations of the nature of the child, his reluctance to engage in uninteresting to solve tasks that are inappropriate for him by age.

ZPR in children - treatment

After a full-time consultation with a neurologist and a psychologist, an individual course of treatment is prescribed. However, socialization plays a much greater role than the treatment of medicines in the rehabilitation of children with PEP.

The more a child communicates with his healthy peers, the more successful the rehabilitation measures are. Therefore, the development of children with PZD directly depends on the behavior of its closest relatives and friends. Do not avoid contact with a sick child, hide it from other people's eyes, isolating it in your own room, because, in this way, the problem is only aggravated.