Red circles under the eyes of a child

The skin around the eyes is a bright indicator of the general condition and health of the child as a whole. This is known to all parents and pediatricians, therefore, noticing the slightest changes in this area, immediately begin to panic and look for the cause of what is happening.

Why does the child have red circles under the eyes, is this symptom so dangerous, let's try to find out.

Red circles under the eyes of the child: causes

Redness under the eyes can be a consequence of many diseases and the beginning of pathological processes. Since the skin in the region of the upper and lower eyelids is the most delicate and tender, it first signals a malfunction in the body. More precisely, the reasons for the appearance of red circles under the eyes of a child can be:

  1. Infection of various nature. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and even parasites - after their penetration into the child's body begins inflammation. Especially detrimental to the products of vital activity of infectious agents. In this case, very often the red circles around the eyes of the child are the consequence of glistular infection.
  2. Chronic tonsillitis. In this case, the answer to the question of why the child has red circles under the eyes is obvious to the parents, since one can not help but notice that when the ailment is exacerbated the skin in the eye area reddens before other symptoms appear.
  3. Diseases of the oral cavity. For example, caries.
  4. Adenoids. Inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil is usually accompanied by various symptoms, such as sniffing, snoring, frequent colds, and sometimes hearing impairment. However, red circles under the eyes, also often fit into the clinical picture.
  5. Allergy. Regardless of the allergen, whether food, pollen, wool, dust, hygiene - the reaction of the body, both children's and adults, to the stimulus is about the same. This is a runny nose, skin rashes, coughing and red circles under the eyes.
  6. Vegetosovascular dystonia. If the child has become listless and lethargic, he has a blue on his lips, often dizzy and aching his head, while the red circles do not disappear for a long time, it can be assumed that the baby has a vegeto-vascular dystonia.
  7. Physiological feature. Sometimes, in view of the characteristics of the subcutaneous tissue, the red-blue circles under the eyes of the child are considered a completely normal phenomenon.
  8. Other reasons. Do not forget that the reddened lower eyelids can be the result of overwork, unbalanced nutrition, foreign object or infection, which irritate the mucous eyes.