Frequent urination in children

The most frequent urination in children is not a disease and in some cases can be the result of a copious drink of the child throughout the day. However, one can not leave this moment without attention, since this may be one of the symptoms of a serious illness, associated, for example, with kidney pathology, the urinary system and hormonal failure.

Frequent urination in children should alert parents if it is not associated with the consumption of large amounts of liquid with food and drinks, and is accompanied by a deterioration in the overall health of the child.

The norm of urination in children

The frequency of urination in children varies in each specific age period. This is due to the development of the genitourinary system, an increase in the bladder and changes in the diet. For example, children of the first month of life can urinate up to 25 times a day. Such frequent urination in newborns is associated with breast feeding and with small bladder sizes, which is significantly increased by the year. Children at the age of 1 year urinate to 10 times a day, by the age of 3 the rate of urination is 6-8 times a day, and by 6-7 years it decreases to 5-6 times.

Causes of frequent urination in children

The following factors can affect the increase in the frequency of urination:

Disturbing symptoms

Any infection of the genitourinary system in a number of cases provokes the appearance of unpleasant and painful sensations from the current of urine, which is the main reason why the baby cries before urinating. Disturbing symptoms that may indicate a serious illness are:

  1. Temperature increase. This symptom may indicate the development of the inflammatory process.
  2. Back pain in conjunction with high fever, most likely, indicates a kidney disease.
  3. Edema, bags under the eyes indicate the difficulty of outflow of fluid from the body. This occurs in pyelonephritis.
  4. Muddy urine or a mixture of blood by the type of meat slops means that the filtration in the kidneys is violated, which is often a sign of developing glomerulonephritis.
  5. Pain and pain when urinating. In this case, the child usually cries before and after urination. This symptom usually speaks of the development of cystitis. Urine blood may indicate an acute course of the disease.
  6. False urination in a child. As a rule, the baby seems to want to go to the toilet, but in reality only a couple of drops come out. In 90% of cases it indicates cystitis.
  7. The baby struggles with urination. Perhaps he has an inflamed urethra, which makes urine withdrawal difficult on the ureters. This occurs when improper washing of the child, non-compliance with hygiene and the ingress of feces into the mucous of the genital organs.

Treatment of frequent urination in children

Inflammatory processes, which are associated with frequent urination in children, may require hospital treatment, but in some cases, quite effectively treated at home. When bacterial infection requires treatment with antibiotics. In the case of cystitis, it is additionally possible to give the child decoctions of herbs such as bearberry, bear ears in an acceptable dosage. With inflammation of the urethra and ureters, it helps to warm up the lower abdomen, as well as sessile warm baths with the addition of chamomile broth.

In the treatment of frequent urination in children, it is important to water abundantly with normal water, cranberry and cranberry mussel. The volume of liquid should be about 1.5-2 liters per day. It is necessary to exclude from the feeding of the child salty and spicy foods, smoked products and spices.