How to close sorrel in banks for the winter?

How to procure in the banks of sorrel for the winter, a question that worries at the beginning of summer all the housewives. Having prepared it in this way, you save sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins and in winter you can add it to soup, soup or any other dishes .

Sorrel for the winter in cans without salt



In the previously prepared sterilized jar, we lay out the leaves of the sorrel, pre-rinsing them and combing them. Tightly tamped and poured to the top with boiled cold water. Close the cap nylon and remove the sorrel without sterilization in the bank for storage in the winter for a cool place.

Sorrel for the winter in cans with salt



So, the leaves are washed well from dirt and soaked in large amounts of water for about 1 hour. Then rinse again, put on a kitchen towel and dry it. Now cut them with a knife and add them to a deep bowl. Banks are sterilized, and metal covers are scalded with boiling water. Now put some green stuff in the prepared container, pour it lightly with salt, pour boiled cold water and ramble the tolstalk. Then again put the greens, salt and pour water. When all the banks are densely filled, roll them up with lids and store them in the basement. We use this blank in the winter to make delicious sorrel from sorrel .

Recipe for sorrel for the winter in cans with greens



Greenery washed, dried, cut into small pieces with a knife and put into a large bowl. Now sprinkle it with salt, mash it lightly and leave to extract the juice.

In the meantime, we sterilize the jars, and the lids are simply scalded with boiling water. In a large pot, pour filtered water, bring to a boil, spread carefully all the greens and weaken it for several minutes. Then we put it tightly in jars and roll it up with lids.

The recipe for puree from sorrel for the winter in cans



Leaves of sorrel is washed, dried and twisted through a meat grinder. Then add the necessary amount of salt, mix and spread the resulting mass on clean glass jars. From above pour melted fat and cover with lids.

Recipe for sorrel for the winter in cans with spinach



Sorrel and spinach sorted, well washed and thrown in a colander. Then we shift the raw materials into a deep saucepan, fill it with water and send the dishes to the fire. We blanch about 3 minutes, and in the meantime, while we are heating on a water bath, clean jars. We spread out the greens on hot jars, cover them with covers and set them in a pan, at the bottom of which lies a wooden lattice. Fill with hot water and sterilize the workpiece for half an hour, and then roll.

How to roll sorrel in the cans for the winter hot way?



The leaves of the sorrel are washed, dried and cut into pieces. Dill rinse, shake and finely chop with a knife. Mix the greens in a wide bowl and pour steep boiling water. We wait 5 minutes, and then we compact greenery into clean glass jars and add hot water to the very top. We roll up the lids and after cooling, we store the preserves in the refrigerator.

How to close sorrel in cans for the winter with sugar?



Rinsed sorrel finely chopped, covered with sugar, mixed and densely packed in glass jars. We close them with lids and store the workpiece in a cold place.