Breastfeeding chilled the mammary glands - how to treat?

Quite often, nursing mothers have various problems with the mammary glands. Among the many violations, mastitis takes the first place . To its development lead stagnant phenomena, as well as hypothermia glands. In the people this phenomenon has received the name "cold".

What are the signs that the lactating breast has chilled?

In case the lactating woman has chilled the mammary glands, before treating them, you need to make sure that this is the cold.

So the main symptoms of the fact that the nursing mother has chilled her breast (breasts) are:

How is treatment carried out?

If the nursing mother chills her breast, the first question will be: what to do in this situation? For proper treatment it is sufficient to adhere to the following rules:

Regularly, literally every hour, put the baby to a sick chest. An exception, perhaps, can only be the fact, if the milk has already become greenish. Such measures will prevent the development of stagnant phenomena, which often lead to the appearance of mastitis.

In the intervals between the feedings, apply a fresh, cabbage leaf, so that its inner side is directly in contact with the skin of the breast. This vegetable perfectly helps to remove inflammation.

Try not to leave breast milk in the breast after breastfeeding - you drain its remains with a breast pump.

With the development of such phenomena, feeding it is recommended to drink more liquids.

In those cases when the temperature is greatly increased - above 38.5, it is allowed to take medicines belonging to the group of antipyretic agents. An example may be Paracetamol, the use of which is permitted in breastfeeding in isolated cases.

Also, in order to exclude the development of stagnant phenomena, it is necessary to perform breast mammary massage. However, do not be zealous. The duration of the procedure should not be more than 5-7 minutes.

Thus, the duration of treatment in such a state depends entirely on whether the appropriate treatment is started in time. It is impossible to wait and hope that the tingling and moderate pain that has appeared will pass independently. It is urgent to take action.