Hand massage

The state of a woman's hands is an indicator of how much she loves herself. This part of the body can tell a lot about the way of life of their mistress, habits, and even about her attitude to herself: so, the hands that are rough and rough from the hard work will be "given away" to the possessor, even if it has a gorgeous evening dress, and nothing on first glance will not say that this lady daily washes dishes without protective gloves and doing dirty male work at home for her is common. In addition, it is not for nothing that there is an opinion that the age of a woman can be recognized by the neck and arms, and therefore, let's see what kind of massage will be useful for the health and beauty of women's pens.

Massage of the hands

On the hands there are a lot of reflex points, each of which is responsible for the work of certain organs and systems. Therefore, a general massage of hands is considered to be an effective method of improving almost the entire body. In terms of the number of important points with the hands, only the feet can be compared, but foot massage requires certain conditions for holding, while the brushes are always available and therefore you can massage them at any time.

Technique of massage hands. First you need to rub your hands about each other. Then with your left hand begin to massage the thumb of your right hand, pressing a little on the nail plate. This must be done in turn with each finger of both hands. Then you need to take in the right hand the thumb of the left hand and squeeze it in the fist, scrolling it in this state in different directions. This should be done with the rest of your fingers, after which you can immediately feel a surge of strength and tone. With the help of such a massage of the fingers, the points located not only on the fingers but also on the palms will be activated. Then you need to do the back of the hand and hold a pinch of hands: rotate your palms up, place one above the other perpendicularly, and bottom around the circle start massaging the back side of the top. Then you need to take one hand in the other, so that the thumb grabs the palm and the others stay on the bottom and hold the back of the hand. The big and the other fingers need to be pressed in the middle of the arm from both sides along the entire line of the middle finger to the wrist.

Hand massage with manicure

During the manicure, the skin of the hands is softened, and therefore massage at this time will be most effective. Before you massage hands, oil them with olive oil or hand cream, although the first option is more useful. "Manicure" massage should be aimed not only at recovery, but also pursue cosmetic goals: so, it is worth starting to do with the scrub. On the lubricated skin with oil it is necessary to apply a stone salt or the crushed coffee beans, then gently massage your hands. After washing off the scrub, you need to apply the oil again and now pay attention to the nail plates and finger pads: the nails from this procedure will become stronger thanks to vitamin A, which is in large quantities contained in the oil, and some points located at the fingertips will also be activated.

Massage hands for losing weight

Sometimes women become unattractive because of changes in weight, especially in the area below the shoulders. Strangely enough, massage can help in this problem, if it is done systematically and combined with diet. For anti-cellulite hand massage, you will need a massage brush or anti-cellulite massager, as well as oil, salt and body cream.

Begin a massage for weight loss in the hands area with a shower: thoroughly cleanse the skin, then apply oil and salt to the problem area, and massage for 3-4 minutes in a circular motion. In what direction they will be directed now is not important, the main thing is to "disperse" the blood in order to remove the stagnant state. After washing off the salt, you will notice that the skin is red, which means that the first stage has been performed successfully. Then again, oil the skin, take the massager and actively drive it from below up the arm for 7 minutes. After this, rinse the oil and apply a moisturizer. This massage should be done daily for a week, after which make a small break.

Massage with a fracture of the hand

After fracture, massage can begin no earlier than 3-4 days. To speed up the healing process, you need to massage the areas that are slightly removed from the fracture site. The use of sharp, intense movements is prohibited, only smooth and careful massaging techniques are possible. They are aimed primarily at reducing swelling, so the movements should be directed from the hand to the shoulder. Massage is based mainly on strokes (including circular strokes) to prevent an increase in the tone of the damaged muscle.