Stratification of nails - the cause and treatment

Layering nails can become a big problem for its owner - they do not have a varnish, besides, they will have to forget about the coveted length. How to return your hands an attractive appearance? First of all, realizing that the cause of the stratification of nails is medical in nature and that treatment is needed that is directed not only at the restoration of the nail plate, but also at strengthening the health of the body as a whole.

The main causes of the bundle of nails on the hands and feet

Most often, the cause of the layering nails is an ordinary avitaminosis - a lack in the body of calcium, silicon, selenium, vitamins A, E, and C. This is especially true for girls struggling with excess weight. Remember: while you are sitting on a starvation diet, you will have to forget about beautiful hair and nails. The problem can be solved only by switching to a healthy diet, or taking these microelements and nutrients additionally, as part of multivitamin complexes. There are other factors that can cause stratification of the nails on the hands:

Stratification of nails on the legs can cause uncomfortable shoes, fungus and weakening of immunity. This phenomenon is observed much less often, since the toenails are thicker and more durable by nature. If they began to split up, this can be considered an excuse to see a doctor.

The main stages of treatment of the bundle of nails in the hands

In order to restore the layered nails on the hands, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. There are more fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, take vitamins.
  2. Do not ignore the hand and nail protection.
  3. Correctly cut and saw the nail plate without injuring it.
  4. At the time, refuse to build up and gel-varnishes.
  5. Give nails a few hours rest from varnish per week.

Now that you know how to cure your nails from delamination, you can uncover the secret of some tricks that will help accelerate this process. Nails are very fond of the following procedure:

  1. Mix in equal proportions iodized salt and lemon juice , add a little warm water, immerse the tips of your fingers in the mixture for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Wipe your hands with a napkin, take a small amount of olive oil and massage with it every nail.
  3. Carry out the procedure at least once a week. Nails should be clean, without varnish.