How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen?

Stretch marks are so-called striae, which become a cosmetic problem for many women. They are uneven strips on the skin of white, crimson or purple flowers.

This is an exclusively cosmetic problem, which is not evidence of various diseases. However, despite the fact that this, it would seem, is not an essential feature of the body, striae can cause a lot of inconvenience to a woman due to aesthetic unattractiveness of the skin.

Striae is impossible:

Thus, in spite of all the "safety" of the striae, they can give a lot of trouble to the fair sex who decided to get rid of them. This can not be done in a short time, but there are ways that can significantly improve the appearance of the skin.

Before you start removing the stretch marks on the body, you need to understand what made them appear.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

Striae appear if the skin in a short time very quickly stretches or suffers changes in the composition (namely, with a lack of collagen). Since our skin is a kind of protective barrier, it is able to easily withstand many unfavorable factors. However, it also happens that she either does not have time to "tune" under a certain load (for example, during pregnancy, when the skin in the abdomen is intensively stretched), or does not withstand intense weight loss. In these cases, with a lack of collagen (which helps to maintain elasticity under any circumstances) striae appear - tears, a stretch area of ​​the skin.

They can also appear due to a hormonal splash that affects the composition of the skin.

So, the provoking factors that can cause stretch marks include:

The likelihood of the appearance of striae increases several times, if close relatives have stretch marks in the family. This is due to genetic memory, which programs the collagen content and the body's response to stressors. In an ideal situation, with rapid weight loss, intensive growth, or weight gain, collagen should be produced in greater amounts than usual. Also, the propensity to stretch marks is due to age: for example, it is known that at 20 years the amount of collagen produced reaches a peak, and then gradually decreases.

Can I remove stretch marks?

Despite the fact that stretch marks can not be "cured", they can be removed by cosmetic surgery or reduced by laser.

The use of gels, creams and folk remedies is effective only against those strains that have emerged recently - no more than 2 months ago.

How to remove stretch marks on the body?

  1. Remove stretch marks with a laser. This procedure will help reduce the visibility of stretch marks, but finally will not get rid of them. Typically, you need to do 7 to 10 procedures to make the effect noticeable. From early stretch marks, the laser will help sooner than from those that have already become white (at first the stretch marks have a crimson or violet hue, and then they are permanently white).
  2. Remove stretch marks with the help of a surgical operation. This procedure is 100% free of striae, however, it is not advisable to lie under the surgeon's knife to correct such a minor defect. Therefore, plastic is appropriate here only if there is a huge excess of the weight norm, which is harmful to health, and then, together with the solution of the underlying problem, you can also get rid of stretch marks at the same time.
  3. Remove stretch marks with creams and gels. Mixtures containing collagen are appropriate for the initial stages of appearance of striae, but they may not be effective enough. The fact is that the molecule of synthetic collagen is too large to penetrate the skin 100%.

How to remove cellulite and stretch marks?

Cellulite and stretch marks can be helped by wraps based on clay , orange oil and any cream with collagen.

How to remove stretch marks after losing weight?

After losing weight, you need to play sports to restore the elasticity of the tissue, do a toning shower and use any method to get rid of stretch marks - cream or laser. Surgical surgery is undesirable.