Silicone hand cream

Beautiful and well-groomed hands today are not a luxury, as it was in the old days, when women were engaged in serious physical labor, and in the arsenal were only folk remedies. Now, even if the woman has to spend most of the time in the kitchen, do cleaning or planting and picking vegetables in the garden, it is possible to have well-groomed hands, and one of the main assistants in this is silicone cream.

Silicone-based products have become firmly established in our lives, no matter how suspicious they are against it, believing that this substance in cosmetics harms the skin and hair.

The cream on a silicone base, unlike usual ones, covers the hands with a protective film, and this prevents weathering, peeling of the skin on the fingers , the feeling of tightness of the skin (if you have to work with earth or other drying substances), and rapid evaporation of moisture. That's why silicone cream is especially relevant for housewives, who often come in contact with chemicals for washing and do not use gloves.

Protective silicone hand cream: basic functions

Silicone protective cream after application envelops the skin with a film that has a water repellent effect. Of course, this remedy can not replace gloves, if you have to contact with acid, alkali or bleach.

In addition, the cream softens the skin of the hands, after which it becomes more smooth, brightens and becomes pleasant not only in appearance, but also in touch.

Despite the fact that the manufacturers assure that this cream protects the skin from alkali, acids and salts, if there are damaged areas - scratches, it is not worth using abrasions instead of gloves.

Silicone cream should be constantly applied to the skin during work, as it is absorbed into the skin and partially washed. This is one of its main drawbacks, given that the hands and cream slip, because of which it is not safe to keep fragile objects with such a protective cream.

Composition of silicone cream

The composition of this remedy is simple: glycerin is a good moisturizer for the skin, mineral oil nourishes the skin and allows silicones to "cling" to the skin, as well as modern silicones, which create a protective barrier.

Manufacturers of silicone cream

Silicone cream is inexpensive - it is an economical product that almost does not concede to its composition many foreign creams with vitamin supplements, the effect of which can not be noticed by all.

The most popular manufacturers of silicone cream are Freedom and Kalina.