30 weeks of pregnancy - what happens?

Another 10 weeks, and maybe earlier, and you can see your crumbs. You just have to wait a little. The final quarter of gestation is considered one of the most difficult for a future mother, because it is difficult physically and psychologically: on the one hand, the stomach strongly interferes with almost every habitual action, and on the other hand, there is growing excitement about the baby's early birth.

What happens to a woman at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

At this time, the future mother is increasingly discomfort, and it is not only external due to the abdomen, but also internal, as the uterus presses on all internal organs. At the same time, the woman begins to listen more actively to her feelings.

The stomach at 30 weeks is already quite large. It affects the gait of women. His muscles are greatly stretched and weakened, and therefore a woman needs to be very careful not to allow strikes and sudden movements. On the abdomen, stretch marks can be formed, which can be made less pronounced when using special creams.

At 30 weeks, the weight of the mother increases by about 10-12 kg, compared with the weight at the very beginning of gestation. Further the weight will increase faster, as the baby will more and more actively accumulate fat mass.

The woman's breasts are increasing, preparing for feeding. The nipples become coarser. Colostrum may be allocated. At this time, sometimes there may be, so-called training fights, - so the queen prepares for childbirth.

To negative feelings at this time can also be attributed to insomnia, back pain, headaches, swelling, constipation, frequent urge to urinate, hemorrhoids. Particular attention should be given to vaginal discharge, which should not be curdled, brownish, with veins of blood and excess water, since such secretions are a signal for urgent medical attention.

Child at the 30th week of pregnancy

The main thing that you need to know: when pregnancy is 30 weeks, the development of the fetus is already quite enough to be born, he could not just survive, but also be completely healthy and not be different from the children born on time.

How the child looks at 30 weeks can be seen on the final ultrasound examination: all babies at this time are very similar to newborns. They actively move, open and close eyes and mouth, they can swallow. They have already expressed facial expressions, the movements of the fingers. They know how to yawn and hiccough.

The nature of the child's movements during this period may change somewhat. This is due to the fact that it is already large enough, occupies the entire uterine cavity (that is why at this time it already occupies that position in the uterus that will survive until the delivery itself), and therefore can not move as actively as before. In addition, during this period the baby can sleep, and his sleep can last up to 12 hours. If the mother is worried about the lack of movements and movements, it is recommended to consult a doctor, asking him to listen to the heartbeat of the fetus.

The size of the fetus at 30 weeks, that is, in fact, its height, should be approximately 40 cm. At a gestation period of 30 weeks the weight of the child should be in the range of 1300-1500 grams. The rate of growth and weight are very individual and depend on how well the future mother feeds, as well as on the heredity and health of the mother.

At this time, the thin hairs that covered the fetal body begin to disappear, although they may remain in some places even before the birth. The hair on the head becomes thicker.

The fetus grows and develops the brain, and fully formed internal organs begin to prepare for normal work. The heart of the baby works normally, while the liver works "ahead of the curve", storing iron from the mother's blood for a year ahead. The immune system of the child continues to be formed, and already at this stage it can withstand many infections.