How can a girl learn how to do push-ups?

Traditionally, push-ups are considered to be an unsuitable occupation for the weaker sex. Many even have doubts whether it is possible to press girls at all. Meanwhile, it is this type of training that allows you to make the tummy flat, the chest - high and supple, the posture - beautiful, and the figure slender. However, not every kind of this exercise is suitable for the beautiful half of humanity. In this article, we will tell not only how it is possible for girls to learn how to do push-ups, but also on how to do it correctly.

How quickly can a girl learn how to do push-ups?

If push-ups from the floor are not a favorite kind of your strength training, even more, serious doubts arise as to whether you can retreat at least once, and you really want to learn, then a few simple exercises will help the case. Performing them regularly, about 3 times a week, you can learn how to wring out correctly, while not injuring yourself or overexerting yourself.

To begin with, it is worth moving the push-ups to another plane: from horizontal to vertical.

  1. We stand face to face with the wall and take a step back.
  2. We press the palms into the wall, so that the palms are slightly wider than the shoulders.
  3. And once: we bend our hands, tilting the body against the wall. We hold the back like a true lady - exactly, the chin is proudly raised.
  4. And two: we return to the original.
  5. Repeat the action 15 times, rest 30-60 seconds and do push-ups 15 more times.
  6. For starters, there will be enough 2-3 approaches.


When the "vertical" push-ups are just an easy warm-up, regardless of the number of repetitions, this is a sure sign that it's time to move to a new level - to transfer the exercise from the vertical to the diagonal.

  1. An ideal shell for starting an exercise can be a window sill, or a stable, sturdy table (this is especially important, since the latter will have to withstand the weight of your body). The initial stand is the same as in the previous exercise - the palms are slightly wider than the shoulders, hands are straight.
  2. And again: we lower the case to the support.
  3. And two: we return to the starting position.
  4. We do 10-15 repetitions, resting between them for about 60 seconds.
  5. Approaches here need to be done at least 3.


So, and this stage is passed and on the way to the cherished goal there was the last, the most difficult step: push-ups on the knees, the preparation variant, as close as possible to the standard.

How it's done:

  1. We rest our palms and knees on the floor, palms, as usual are slightly wider than the shoulders.
  2. Hands are straight, shoulders, back, hips - on one line. Legs are bent at the knees, perpendicular to the body.
  3. And once: we go down, trying to touch the chest of the floor.
  4. And two: we return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  6. We rest for 60 seconds, and we make a couple more approaches.


How to wring out the girls correctly?

And here's the cherished goal - to learn how to do push-ups, almost achieved, it remains to find out how this is done as correctly as possible for the girl. The most optimal variant of push-ups for the fair sex representatives are the usual push-ups with a wide setting of hands, tk. in this case will mainly involve the muscles of the chest, in particular the large pectoral muscle, which helps to make the breasts tightened and elastic. In addition, in this version of the exercise will be involved in the press, the muscles of the back, and the buttocks, which means an elegant silhouette and a beautiful posture are guaranteed.