Madonna burst into tears during the concert

Many celebrities decided to cancel their performances after the terrible terrorist attacks in Paris, but Madonna, who was used to behaving like everyone else, preferred a different path.

A difficult choice

Hearing about the trouble, the pop queen was going to refuse the Saturday show in Stockholm. Madonna already picked up the phone to give the order. At the last second the star changed her mind and decided not to succumb to the provocation of criminals who want to keep people in constant fear.

The singer said that it was unbearably hard for her to go up on stage, sing and dance, knowing that many people at this moment mourn the death of their relatives. However, in memory of the dead Parisians, she did it.

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Tears in the eyes

The weeping star asked the audience to honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. And then she told me about her thoughts and feelings from the stage.

She urged everyone to enjoy freedom and not give it to terrorists. After all, people who died in France, rested and did what they loved. "We should rejoice and have fun in spite of the terrorist attacks," Madonna said.

Despite the huge amount of evil, she expressed a firm conviction that there is more good in the world.

The 57-year-old singer asked those present to respect and take care of each other every day and thereby make the world a better place.

After a touching speech, she and the audience sang a prayer.

A series of terrorist attacks in the heart of France claimed the lives of 130 people, another 350 were injured.