Reduces leg muscles during pregnancy

The condition, when for no apparent reason, during pregnancy, reduces the gastrocnemius muscle, is familiar to many women. Especially such a state introduces fear, if this has never happened before pregnancy. In pregnancy, seizures of the calf muscles are quite common.

What is the reason for this? Pain during cramps is due to the fact that the muscle is very sharply and greatly reduced, but can not relax. If this phenomenon is repeated with an enviable regularity, this indicates a lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body.

What to do if it reduces the muscles of the legs during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to make pain and spasm recede. To do this, try to stretch the contracted muscle. If you are standing at this time, bend over and try to pull the sock towards you. If the cramp has caught you in a dream, you need to reach for the leg stretched out on the bed. You can massage your lower leg, and if you do not reach for her because of your stomach, ask your husband about it.

The second thing you need to do if you are pulling the leg muscles during pregnancy and are concerned about the cramps of the calf muscles is to tell the doctor about it. He should rule out the possibility of developing varicose veins on his legs . This is especially dangerous for those women who suffered from this ailment before pregnancy. During pregnancy, the situation is only aggravated because of vascular transmission and disruption of normal blood circulation.

Sometimes the cause of muscle cramps during pregnancy can be hidden in improperly selected clothing, which further contributes to impairment of blood circulation in the lower limbs. At pregnancy it is better to refuse tight trousers, heels and long walking in all this.

Of course, most often the doctor prescribes pregnant preparations of potassium and magnesium, as well as calcium in the form of vitamins and natural sources - cottage cheese and other fermented milk products. In order to replenish the body with magnesium, you need to eat more carrots, nuts, buckwheat, greens. The source of potassium is potatoes, dried apricots, bananas, legumes.