Diet during pregnancy

During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to balanced and high-quality nutrition. The future mother should receive all the necessary nutrients with food, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. In this case, a pregnant woman does not have to eat for two, but it's worth keeping a reasonable diet.

Diet for weight loss in pregnancy

In pregnancy, the expectant mother should not lose weight, weight gain is natural in this position, and therefore, if you add within the limits of the norm, you do not need to limit yourself in food. However, if a pregnancy has a pathological increase in weight, the doctor may recommend small restrictions. In this case, we are not talking about a complete refusal of food, that is, it is not an apple diet for pregnant women, when a woman uses apples, water and some other products for several weeks. It's fasting days, in which you need to get enough calories. Arrange these days can not be more often than once a week.

For example, a buckwheat diet during pregnancy includes eating buckwheat, you can add a little boiled chicken, cottage cheese, and apples to the ration. The recommended meal is divided into 5-6 receptions, the diet lasts one day, on the remaining days the pregnant one eats as usual. Such a diet not only allows you to reduce weight gain, but also to save a woman from swelling.

It should be remembered that swelling during pregnancy is caused, in the first place, by increased intake of salt, and therefore a pregnant diet with a heavy weight should, first of all, restrict the use of salt and foods with its increased content. In addition, you need to reduce the consumption of sweet and flour. A less active lifestyle, especially in the last few months, causes a sharp weight gain, which it is difficult to part with after pregnancy.

Anemia in pregnancy - diet

Another problem that is well adjusted with diet and supplementation is anemia. If the doctor diagnosed you with a decrease in hemoglobin, then you must include in the diet products that help cope with anemia. Beef, poultry meat, some offal, cereals, as well as greens and cottage cheese are rich in iron with a diet for pregnant men, the menu must contain these types of products.

Diet for pregnant women with heartburn

Heartburn during pregnancy can occur both in the early stages, and in recent months. The cause of heartburn can be both hormonal and physiological, however the diet can somewhat ease the situation. It is not necessary to eat sour, sharp and pickled dishes, exclude from the menu soda and coffee, do not abuse fried and fatty foods, as well as too hot or cold food, heartburn with such a diet should retreat.

Hypoallergenic diet for pregnant women

Many believe that a pregnant woman should comply with a hypoallergenic diet, for example, give up citrus or honey, as well as some seasonal or exotic fruits, so as not to form an allergy in the baby. However, there is another opinion - do not abuse allergenic products, but try them a little. The exception is the products that the mother is allergic to.

Diet for pregnant women with constipation

In pregnancy, constipation occurs quite often, it is associated with both a decrease in motor activity and with physiological changes. Fully solve the problem of a single diet is difficult, it is necessary to take the recommended laxative, but in diet should always include fiber, as well as dairy products, which activate the digestive processes.

Specific types of diets

Especially to monitor the diet during pregnancy follows those women who have serious health problems, for example, chronic diseases or diseases that first debuted during the period of gestation. Such diseases can be diabetes, cholestasis, pyelonephritis, gastritis, as well as hepatosis or thrush. A special diet should be prescribed by a doctor taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman and the course of the disease.