12 midwifery pregnancy week

The tenth week from conception, or 12 midwifery week of pregnancy is a "golden" time. The well-being of the expectant mother improves noticeably, while there is still no heavy burden on the body. What happens in this period?

Fetal development at 12 midwifery

The kid continues to grow intensively. The weight of the fetus varies between 15-18 gr, the height is 6-8 cm. Now it can be compared with a large apricot or plum.

Although it is also very small, its internal organs are already formed. The kidneys begin their work.

Muscular and nervous systems are formed. Therefore, the baby can already do the simplest movements. He can already swallow amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid).

The brain is actively developing, which is already divided into the left and right hemispheres.

On the replacement of cartilaginous tissue, the first sections of bone tissue begin to appear.

The head is still larger than the rest of the body. All limbs are already formed. Even fingers and marigolds are identified on them.

Sensations of the mother in 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

Gradually, there is nausea, weakness and fatigue. More peace and tranquility.

The tummy is small enough. The uterus gradually rises from the small pelvis and increases in width by about 10 cm. The breast increases more and its sensitivity increases. The best time to get a special bra.

Constipation can appear for the first time. Fractional food, a sufficient amount of natural fiber and liquid, will help overcome these difficulties.

Diagnosis at 12 weeks of obstetrical weeks

During the 12 obstetric weeks, the pregnant woman is referred for ultrasound. This is very important for the timely detection of possible pathologies of the fetus. It is also possible to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time with the aid of a doppler.

12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy - the next step on the way to the long-awaited meeting with your child.