What to prepare for a child for dinner?

Because of the age-old employment, many people stop watching what they eat. But modern moms, despite the mountains of domestic chores and hassle, take seriously the health of their beloved child. And because of special care and love, they prepare separate dishes for him. Although there are also such parents who are in a hurry to add crumbs to the adult menu. And thus do not take into account age features of the digestive system of the child. But the over-saturation of the children's diet with fatty, fried, salty and sweet leads in the future to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the preparation of breakfast and lunch does not cause any special problems: in the morning - porridge or an omelet, and for dinner necessarily soup or borsch. But what to feed the child for dinner? It is this question that worries many mothers.

A useful dinner for a child: what should it be?

For a day the kid will play so much and run up, make so many fun and interesting things, that he definitely needs food that will charge him with the energy spent. Along with this, dinner should be easy, because the crumb then needs to go to bed. If you cook food from foods that are hard to digest, even the most delicious dinner for children will provide a sleepless night for both mom and baby - it will spin, cry and wake up. Therefore, the supper is better at 19.00 o'clock, that is, three hours after a mid-day snack in the kindergarten. Food will have time to digest before bedding, and the crumb will see sweet dreams. For children who do not attend kindergarten, food should be prepared 1,5-2 hours before bedtime. Parents should limit the amount of liquids drunk at night. Otherwise, the baby will toss and turn, ask for a pot. If the baby gets hungry before going to bed, offer him a glass of yogurt, drinking yogurt or ryazhenka.

It is quite possible to use the following products for preparing a light supper for a child:

From vegetables and fruits, you can prepare stew, salads, for example, vinaigrette, or a salad of boiled beets with prunes. Also the baby will like fritters from carrots and cabbage. For dinner, cheese cottage cheese and sour cream are suitable. The same product is often used in the preparation of casseroles and soufflé. Milk porridge is also prepared, for example, from millet and pumpkin, and fine bits are obtained from the finished rice. To drink a delicious and healthy dinner you can slabovazvarennym tea or compote.

Products such as meat, fish, eggs are best used at lunchtime.

Dinner Recipes for the child

We offer several options for preparing dishes, which are quite suitable for an evening meal.

Cauliflower Casserole

Such a vegetable casserole can be used for dinner for a one-year-old child. It is very useful and has a delicate taste.



Cauliflower should be washed, then divided into inflorescences and boiled in boiling water for 7 minutes. Milk is beaten with eggs, and the cheese is rubbed on the grater. The pan is smeared with butter, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. It is first put cauliflower, then it is filled with egg mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese and salt. The dish is baked at medium temperature for 30 minutes.

Pancakes made from vermicelli and cheese

Kids love pasta, especially vermicelli. You can use the remains of pasta after dinner and cook a delicious and quick dinner for children - pancakes.



Wiping the cheese on a large grater, it is combined with a beaten egg and noodles and salt. A little oil is poured onto a hot frying pan. Having formed pancakes, they are fried from two sides until a crust is formed. The dish is served with ketchup.

Bon Appetit!