Pumpkin casseroles are quick and delicious - recipes

According to the recipes offered by us, you can quickly and deliciously prepare a pumpkin casserole and diversify your menu with an incredibly tasty and, most importantly, very useful dish.

How to cook a delicious casserole of pumpkin and cottage cheese - a recipe?



We clean the pumpkin from a hard skin, shake cubes or random slices into a pan, fill it with water, and blow it out until it is ready. Then drain the water, mash the pumpkin slices with a crush or crush the blender to mash. Add semolina, sour cream, melted butter, a pinch of salt, mix and leave for thirty minutes.

After the time has passed, we rub cottage cheese through a strainer and add it to the rest of the ingredients. We also throw vanilla sugar, add eggs pre-whipped with sugar, mix gently and spread the resulting mass in an oiled form. Determine in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about forty-five to sixty minutes, depending on the capacity of the oven and the size of the form.

Ready casserole from pumpkin with cottage cheese let cool to a warm state in the form, and then we can cut into portions and serve.

A simple recipe for a delicious casserole with pumpkin and rice



Pumpkin is rid of the tough outer skin, cut into small slices, fill it with water and adhere under the lid on moderate heat until soft. Then add milk, a well washed rice croup and leave on low heat after boiling for another thirty minutes. At the end of cooking, lay the pre-washed raisins, butter, a pinch of salt, mix and let cool.

Now beat the eggs with sugar until a thick foam and increase in volume and introduce the resulting air mass to the rest of the cooled components, put it in a pre-oiled form and place it in a preheated oven for up to 180 degrees for fifty to sixty minutes or until the desired rouge.

Recipe for pumpkin pudding with minced meat - fast and tasty



We clean and shinky small cubes or let through a grater pumpkin, carrots and onions and we pass in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Then add minced meat, salt, ground black pepper, spicy herbs and tomato paste, mix well and pat on a slow fire for about fifteen minutes.

We pass through the grater a hard cheese and mix it with sour cream and mayonnaise. In an oiled form, put one third of the pumpkin with minced meat. Cover with the third part of the sauce and repeat the action two more times. Thus, we get a three-layered casserole. We rub the top of the dish with purified pumpkin seeds and place for twenty-five minutes in a preheated oven to 190 degrees.

On readiness, we let the baking powder cool down a little in the form and can serve.